Title Korpusna analiza priložnih višerječnih izraza s konstituentom ruka ili noga
Title (english) Corpus analysis of adverbial multiword expressions with constituent ruka or noga
Author Matej Ćuže
Mentor Marco Angster (mentor)
Committee member Mia Batinić Angster (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Kresić Vukosav (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marco Angster (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Linguistics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-10-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology General Linguistics
Abstract Lingvistiku kao jezičnu znanost zanima upotreba dijelova tijela u svakodnevnom govoru. Fokus ovog rada višerječni su izrazi koji uključuju dijelove tijela, a istraživanje je temeljeno na korpusu. Tri su kriterija korištena za odabir adekvatnih kandidata za istraživanje. Oni moraju:
1) biti višerječni izrazi
2) imati funkciju priložne oznake
3) imati imenicu ruka ili noga kao jedan od konstituenata.
Rad je podijeljen na dva dijela. U prvom dijelu predstavljena je teorijska podloga, i definirani su izrazi 'višerječni izraz' i 'priložna oznaka'. Višerječni izraz lingvistički je izraz koji je sastavljen od dvije ili više riječi, ali tretira se kao jedna riječ, odnosno leksička jedinica. Priložne oznake daju dodatne (neesencijalne) informacije o odnosima govornika i onome što je izrečeno. Osim dodataka, priložne oznake mogu biti i dopune (esencijalni dio) te tako imati ulogu glavnog rečeničnog dijela. Drugi dio rada svodi se na korpusno istraživanje adekvatnih izraza. Izrazi su izvađeni iz dva izvora: Baza frazema hrvatskog jezika te Bibliografija hrvatske frazeologije i frazeobibliografski rječnik. Nakon testiranja za dokazivanje višerječnosti izraza (testovi supstitucije, modifikacije i separacije), određena su značenja izraza koji su prošli testove, određena im je vrsta priložne oznake, čestoća pojavljivanja u korpusu te su navedeni najčešći glagoli, imenice, a ponekad i ostale vrste riječi, ovisno o izrazu uz koji se pojavljuju. Na kraju analize svakog izraza nalaze se primjeri koji potvrđuju navedene hipoteze. Izrazi su podijeljeni na dva dijela: izrazi s konstituentom ruka i izrazi s konstituentom noga. Oni su, pak podijeljeni po prijedlozima koji su dio izraza, odnosno manjku istih. Najviše višerječnih izraza ima funkciju priložne oznake načina (30 izraza), zatim priložne oznake mjesta (20 izraza), dva su izraza priložne oznake vremena i jedan je izraz priložna oznaka količine. Nadalje, s konstituentom postoji ruka 29 izraza (što čini 50194 pojavnice), a s konstituentom noga 24 izraza (što čini 12538 pojavnica).
Abstract (english) Linguistics as the study of language is interested in the use of the lexicon of body parts in everyday language. The focus of this paper are multi-word expressions involving body parts and is a corpus-based research. Three criteria have been used for selecting adequate candidates for the research. They must:
1) be multiword expressions
2) be sentence adverbials
3) have nouns ruka (arm, hand) or noga (leg) as one of the constituents.
The paper is divided into two parts. In the first one, the theoretical background is set out and the terms ‘multiword expression’ and ‘sentence adverbial’ are defined. A multiword expression is an expression composed of two or more words, but it is treated as one lexical unit. Sentence adverbials provide additional (non-essential) information about the relations between the speaker and the spoken. Besides the additional information, sentence adverbials can be an argument (essential part) and be the main part of the sentence. The second part of the paper is about corpus research of adequate expressions. Expressions are extracted from two sources: Baza frazema hrvatskog jezika and Bibliografija hrvatske frazeologije i frazeobibliografski rječnik. After multiword expression tests (substitution, modification, and separation), the meaning of expressions which passed the tests are defined, the types of sentence adverbial are specified, frequency of occurrence in the corpus is presented, and the most common verbs, nouns, and some other parts of speech are listed. At the end of the analysis of every expression, there are examples that confirm stated hypothesis. Expressions are divided into two parts: expressions with the constituent ruka and expressions with the constituent noga. They are divided based on prepositions, which are part of the expression, or the lack of them. The most multiword expressions are sentence adverbials of manner (30 expressions), then adverbials of place (20 expressions), two are adverbials of time, and one is an adverbial of quantity. Moreover, there are 29 expressions with the constituent ruka (corresponding to 50194 occurrences), and there are 24 expressions with constituent noga (corresponding to 12538 occurrences).
priložna oznaka
višerječni izraz
Keywords (english)
sentence adverbial
multiword expression
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:065363
Study programme Title: A Double Major MA program in Linguistics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra lingvistike (magistar/magistra lingvistike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-12-10 13:30:05