Abstract | Trijarhijski model psihopatije novija je konceptualizacija psihopatije, prema kojoj se radi o složenom konstruktu koji uključuje smjelost, bešćutnost i dezinhibiciju. Posebno važnom za samu psihopatiju se čini privrženost. Kvalitetni odnosi pojedinca s drugima i razvijanje sigurnog stila privrženosti imaju važnu ulogu u objašnjenju psihopatije. Tako se smatra da nemogućnost stvaranja sigurne privrženosti u obitelji doprinosi razvoju psihopatskih tendencija. Stoga je cilj istraživanja bio ispitati relaciju privrženosti u obitelji i psihopatije kod opće populacije, ali i ispitati ulogu nekih sociodemografskih čimbenika. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 536 sudionika, od toga 219 muškaraca i 317 žena, u rasponu dobi od 18 do 71 godinu, prosječne dobi od 33 godine. Istraživanje je provedeno online, a mjerni instrumenti koji su korišteni bili su Upitnik općih informacija, Skraćena verzija Brennanovog Inventara iskustva u bliskim vezama, Trijarhijska mjera psihopatije i Kratki upitnik mentalnog zdravlja. Rezultati su pokazali da spol, dob, socioekonomski status, status veze i obrazovanje imaju značajne obrasce povezanosti s komponentama psihopatije. Također je utvrđeno da muškarci imaju izraženije osobine psihopatije, smjelosti, bešćutnosti i dezinhibicije u odnosu na žene. Provjerom odnosa privrženosti i psihopatije ustanovljeno je da je viša razina anksiozne privrženosti povezana s višom razinom dezinhibicije, ali nižom razinom smjelosti. Viša izbjegavajuća privrženost bila je povezana s višim razinama bešćutnosti, dezinhibicije i generalno psihopatije. Nadalje, spol, dob, anksiozna i izbjegavajuća privrženost ostvarile su značajan samostalan doprinos u objašnjenju varijance dezinhibicije. Muškarci, mlađe osobe, osobe s izraženijom anksioznom i izbjegavajućom privrženosti sklonije su dezinhibiciji. Ovaj set prediktora objasnio je ukupno 9.7% varijance dezinhibicije. |
Abstract (english) | The Triarchic Model of Psychopathy is a relatively new conceptualization of psychopathy. According to this model, psychopathy is a complex construct that includes three dimension: boldness, meanness and disinhibition. Attachment seems to be really important for psychopathy. The quality of relationships with others and secure attachment play an important role in explaining psychopathy. Thus, it is believed that the impossibility of creating a secure attachment in the family contributes to the development of psychopathic tendencies. Therefore, the aim of the study was to examine the relationship between psychopathy and attachment in the family in the general population, but also to examine the role of some sociodemographic factors. The study involved 536 participants, of whom 219 were men and 317 women, ranging in age from 18 to 71 years (M = 33.12). This study was conducted online, using following instruments: General information questionnaire, The Experiences in Close Relationships scaleShort Version, The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure and Mental Health Inventory- 5. Results showed that gender, age, socioeconomic status, relationship status and education have significant patterns of correlations with the components of psychopathy. It was also found that men have higher levels od psychopathy, boldness, meanness and disinhibition than women. Analysis of the relationship between attachment and psychopathy showed that a higher level of anxious attachment is associated with a higher level of disinhibition, but a lower level of boldness. A higher level of avoidant attachment is associated with a higher level of meanness, disinhibition and general psychopathy. Further, results indicate that gender, age, anxious, and avoidant attachment significantly contribute to explaining the variance of disinhibition. Men, younger people, people with higher levels of both anxious and avoidant attachment will more likely have higher level od disinhibition. This set of predictors explained 9.7% variance of disinhibition. |