Title Postimpresionizam
Title (english) Post-Impressionism
Author Zrinka Grgić
Mentor Sofija Sorić (mentor)
Committee member Antonija Mlikota (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Karla Lebhaft (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sofija Sorić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of History of Art) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art History and Theory of the Fine Arts, Architecture, Urbanism and Visual Communications
Abstract Doba velikih promjena koje su mnogostruko utjecale na život u Europi 19. stoljeća, dalo je vjetar u leđa mnogim umjetnicima koji su bili u potrazi za nečim drugačijim; u novom društvu proizašlom usred industrijske revolucije rađa se i nova umjetnost. Umjetnici se sve više odbijaju povući u mitološki svijet antike, pa tako u svakodnevnom životu pronalaze protagoniste za svoje slikarske kompozicije. Ovakva svijest o stvarnosti postala je osnovna nit vodilja moderne umjetnosti, što je na kraju
... More imalo velikog utjecaja na stil. Pravac koji dolazi nakon impresionizma, postimpresionizam nastavlja koristiti impresionističke inovacije, ali na svoj vlastiti način. U fokusu su sada proračunate jukstapozicije te simbolika kao sredstva kojima prenose značenja u svome radu. Umjetnost postimpresionizma je ekspresivna, te nastoji pobuditi emociju u promatraču, dok u isto vrijeme eksperimentira s bojom, oblicima i perspektivom. Postimpresionisti su u potrazi za drugačijim oblicima i načinima prikazivanja svojih tema, tj. oni kroz svoje slikarstvo nastoje dati subjektivnu percepciju svijeta oko sebe. Iako su dio istog umjetničkog pravca, njihovo se slikarstvo bitno razlikuje, jer sva četvorica genija su imala drugačiju ideju o tome što bi umjetnost trebala biti i gdje bi ona trebala voditi: Cézanne se koncentrirao na analiziranje volumena predmeta koje je slikao; van Gogh je nastojao prenijeti na svoja platna svu silu emocija koje su ga obuzimale; Gauguina je fascinirala jednostavnost i bogatstvo boja u „primitivnom“ svijetu, kojega civilizacija još nije uništila; a Lautrec se predao boemskom načinu života na kraju stoljeća, te strasno bilježio pariški noćni život, dočaravajući svo šarenilo boja i osjećaja. Less
Abstract (english) The era of great changes that had manifold impact on life in 19th-century Europe, gave a wind in the back to many artists who were looking for something different; Therefore, in a new society born in the midst of the industrial revolution, new art is born. Artists are increasingly refusing to retreat into the mythological world of antiquity, thus finding protagonists for their painting compositions in everyday life. This awareness of reality became the basic guiding thread of modern art,
... More which ultimately had a major impact on style. A direction that comes after Impressionism, Post-Impressionism continues to use Impressionist innovations, but in its own way. The focus is now on calculated juxtapositions and symbolism as a means by which they convey meaning in their work. The art of Post-Impressionism is expressive, and seeks to arouse emotion in the observer, while at the same time experimenting with color, shapes, and perspective. Post-impressionists are looking for different forms and ways of presenting their themes, ie they try to give a subjective perception of the world around them through their painting. Although they are part of the same artistic direction, their painting differs significantly, because all four geniuses had a different idea of what art should be and where it should lead: Cézanne concentrated on analyzing the volume of the objects he painted; van Gogh endeavored to convey to his canvases all the force of the emotions which overwhelmed him; Gauguin is fascinated by the simplicity and richness of colors in a primitive world, which civilization has not yet destroyed; and Lautrec surrendered to the bohemian lifestyle at the turn of the century, and passionately recorded Parisian nightlife with his brush, evoking all the variety of colors and feelings. Less
Paul Cézanne
Vincent van Gogh
Paul Gauguin
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Keywords (english)
Paul Cézanne
Vincent van Gogh
Paul Gauguin
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:717730
Study programme Title: History of Art; specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti; magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti (magistar/magistra povijesti umjetnosti; magistar/magistra edukacije povijesti umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-10-08 13:26:21