Title Analiza imidža grada Splita kao turističke destinacije u percepcijama različitih dionika
Title (english) The analysis of the image of Split as a tourist destination in the perception of various stakeholders
Author Ivan Kovačević
Mentor Gabrijela Vidić (mentor)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gabrijela Vidić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Klarin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2015-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Početkom dvadesetprvog stoljeća turističko tržište nikad nije bilo povezanije, raširenije, dinamičnije, ali i osjetljivije. Pojmovi poput globalizacije i masovnog turizma, te općenito olakšane mogućnosti i povećana pristupačnost određenim destinacijama, samo su neke od stavki koje su formirale današnji način putovanja i poslovanja u turizmu. Jedan od pojmova koji je povezan s poslovanjima turističkih destinacija je imidž turističke destinacije. Na temelju prikupljanja jedinstvenih primarnih podataka nastoje se proučiti mišljenja o gradu Splitu kao turističkoj destinaciji iz perspektive različitih dionika koji su povezani sa spomenutom destinacijom. Ispitano je 240 ispitanika, koji su bili podijeljeni u tri skupine dionika: lokalno stanovništvo, domaći turisti, dionici turističke ponude. U formiranim anketnim upitnicima ispitivali su se stavovi o određenim obilježjima destinacije i afektivne asocijacije prema destinaciji. Uz to, koristila se „Top of mind awareness“ (TOMA) metoda na temelju koje su se prikupile primarne asocijacije povezane s gradom Splitom. Izvršena je i detaljna analiza dostupnih sekundarnih podataka na temelju koje je formiran opširan teorijski temelj s ciljem pružanja boljeg uvida u samu tematiku rada. Prikupljeni rezultati prikazani su tabličnim i grafičkim prikazima, a statistička obrada podataka izvršena je u Microsoft Excel programu. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva je ispitivanje mišljenja o imidžu o gradu Splitu iz percepcije različitih dionika, uz ispitivanje razlika u mišljenjima i stavovima u odnosu lokalnog stanovništva, domaćih turista i dionika turističke ponude. Primarno istraživanje odbacilo je čak dvije od tri formirane afirmativne hipoteze, odnosno utvrđeno je postojanje razlika o imidžu grada Splita iz percepcije između domaćih turista i lokalnog stanovništva. Dodatan cilj ovog istraživanja je bio je formiranje kvalitetne teorijske podloge vezane uz problematiku rada koja, u kombinaciji s provedenim istraživanjem, može pružiti detaljniji uvid u važnost imidža turističke destinacije, te stvoriti određene temelje i prijedloge za planiranje i formiranje marketinških aktivnosti, ali i budućih znanstvenih radova, istraživanja i publikacija.
Abstract (english) At the beginning of the twentieth century the tourism market has never been more connected, expanded, dinamic and fragile. Terms like globalization and mass tourism, easier travel options and increased availability to certain destinations, are only a few factors that influenced present formation of modern ways of travel and handling business in tourism. One of the terms that is connected with tourism destinations and their business operations is tourism destination image. Based on the aquiring unique primary dana, the goal is examination of various opinions about city of Split as a tourism destination from the perspectives of the different stakeholders who are somehow connected to the mentioned destination. A total of 240 participants respones were tested, and they were divided in three stakeholder groups: local residents, domestic tourists and stakeholders who are involved in tourism supply. In formed survey, a certain attitudes about specific parts of the destination were questioned, along with affective associations about the destination. Also, the „Top of mind awareness“ (TOMA) method was used, and based on that method the primary associations about the city of Split were collected. Thorough analysis of available secondary dana was also made and based on that analysis, the extensive theoretical foundation was made with the ultimate goal of getting the better insight about the general theme of the paper. Collected results are displayed with tabular and graphical representations, and statistical analysis was made by using Microsoft Excel programme. One of the main goals of this research is to evaluate various opinions about the image of Split from the perception of various stakeholders, and also to evaluate differences in these opinions and attitudes between local residents, domestic tourists and tourism supply stakeholders. Primary research has rejected two out of three hypothesis, therefore it has been confirmed the existance of different perceptions of Split´s image between local residents and domestic tourists. Additional goal of this research was creation of high quality theorical foundation related to the paper subject which can provide detailed insight about the importance of tourism destination image, and also create certain foundations and suggestions for planning and cre ating marketing activities, along with creating foundation for future papers, research and publications.
imidž grada Splita
grad Split
turistička destinacija
marka turističke destinacije
TOMA metoda
Keywords (english)
image of the city of Split
city Split
tourism destination
tourism destination brand
TOMA method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:127214
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-10-02 11:59:22