Abstract | S obzirom na složenost pravnoga sustava općenito, pa tako i odgovarajućega nazivlja, rad je usredotočen na analizu pravnoga nazivlja ustavnog, kaznenog, trgovačkog i građanskog prava i to s osvrtom na prijelomna razdoblja od 1917. godine sve do danas, s posebnom kontrastivnom analizom trenutne situacije u pravu i usporedbom nazivlja u pojedinoj grani hrvatskoga i ruskoga prava. U prvom dijelu rada razmotrila su se teorijska pitanja vezana uz problem definiranja naziva (termina) i pravnoga nazivlja, određivanje nazivlja na temelju pripadnosti riječi određenom području znanja i određenom zatvorenom sustavu u okviru tog područja znanja, na primjerima ustavnoga, kaznenog, trgovačkog, građanskog prava i djelomice međunarodnoga prava. Nazivlje se promatralo s lingvističkog i pravnog aspekta, obradili su se osnovni pojmovi u terminologiji: termin, pojam, pojmovni sustav i definicija. Istraživanje je posvećeno u ovom dijelu i jeziku prava kao podsustavu općega jezika te zbog svojih posebnosti predstavlja specijalizirani leksik koji ima više slojeva značenja. Nadalje, u prvom je dijelu kratki povijesni osvrt prijelomnih trenutaka u formiranju pravnoga nazivlja i zakonodavstvu (od početaka, a posebice od 1917. do 1991. i nakon 1991., pa sve do zahtjeva za usklađivanjem zakona sa zakonima EU i suvremenih tendencija) te povijest istraživanja pitanja pravnoga nazivlja. U prvom dijelu postavio se kontekst istraživanja, tj. tema rada. Problematika naimenovanja, nazivlja i terminologije u lingvističkome i pravnome kontekstu. Drugi dio rada posvećen je prijevodu pravnoga nazivlja, prijevodnome procesu, ulozi prevoditelja u prijevodnome procesu, praktičnim aspektima prijevoda pravne terminologije s ruskog na hrvatski jezik, karakteristikama i aktualnosti pravnoga prijevoda, osiguranju kvalitetnoga pravnog prijevoda te kompetencijama stalnih sudskih tumača, tj. teoriji i praksi na hrvatskom primjeru. Problematika prevođenja pravnoga nazivlja središnji je dio rada i osim u drugom poglavlju, tema pravnoga prijevoda provlači se i kroz treće poglavlje gdje se analizira pravno nazivlje. Pravni prijevod je posebna vrsta prijevoda, zato što ujedinjuje ne samo jezično znanje, koje je prije svega potrebno prevoditelju, već i znanje iz područja prava: zakone, njihove podjele i logiku. Prijevod treba biti točan, jasan i pouzdan, tj. nazivlje (termini) upotrijebljeni u prijevodu moraju biti u cijelom dokumentu isti. Treći i osnovni dio rada posvećen je empirijskome istraživanju funkcioniranja nazivlja u pravnim dokumentima ustavnoga, kaznenog, trgovačkog i građanskog prava u hrvatskome i ruskome jeziku. Analizi pravnoga nazivlja pristupilo se u okviru jezika prava i pažnja se posvetila adekvatnosti ostvarenja terminoloških jedinica, usporedbom pravnih tekstova, terminoloških konstrukcija, kolokacija te stilistici pravnih tekstova i specifičnoj uporabi terminoloških jedinica unutar njih, dakle funkcijama koje obavljaju u određenom pravnom tekstu. Jezik pravne struke, kao i svaki jezik struke, razlikuje se od općeg jezika i treba ga učiti kao zaseban jezik. Potvrđeno je u znanstvenoj literaturi da je pravni žargon (legal jargon ili legalese) teško razumljiv osobama koje nisu pravne struke, zato što obuhvaća nestandardne i opskurne riječi, koje se ne koriste nigdje osim u pravnim dokumentima, kao i brojne latinske fraze i izraze te upotrebljava pasivne konstrukcije, umjesto aktivnih. Zbog administrativnoga stila kojim se pišu zakonodavno-pravni dokumenti, često su rečenice predugačke (i zahvaćaju i više od dvjesto riječi), pa je i značenje teksta pravnoga dokumenta teško razumljivo. Pravni prijevod ima svoje karakteristike: rečenično ustrojstvo, specifičan leksik i leksičke obrasce. Pravni prijevod ima pravnu snagu originala i zato je važno adekvatno prevesti određeni termin. Problem nastaje, zato što u zakonodavstvu jedan termin može imati više značenja. Ponekad je termin nemoguće naći u rječniku, ali taj termin, kojim se služe stručnjaci za određeno područje, biva najprimjerenijim. Termin je ponekad nemoguće prevesti bez ozbiljne pretrage više izvora i analize konteksta. Strojno prevođenje može pomoći u prevođenju i skratiti vrijeme prevođenja, ali neke obrasce teško je prevesti bez uloge iskusna prevoditelja. Nadalje, nazivlje može imati i povijesne konotacije, ako je riječ o povijesnom dokumentu. U tom slučaju, dokument nosi pečat vremena, komunikaciju jednoga vremena s drugim vremenom, tj. promatra li se termin u sinkroniji ili dijakroniji. Tada nazivlje treba biti usuglašeno u prijevodu, uzimajući u obzir starost dokumenta, s obveznim objašnjenjem termina (u fusnoti, pri dnu stranice ili na kraju prijevoda). Osim poznavanja jezika, polaznoga i ciljnoga jezika, odgovarajući naziv (termin), tj. njegovu potvrdu, ponekad treba potražiti i u drugim jezicima. Odabrano nazivlje analizirano je prvenstveno na semantičkom planu. S obzirom da se nazivlje za grane prava razlikuje, sustavno se raspodijelilo: - nazivi dokumenata, prema učestalosti pojavljivanja termina i kolokacija u pojedinom dokumentu te uspostaviti značenje - analiziralo se semantičko polje kojemu pripada - prijevod i istražila se adekvatnost prijevoda u rječnicima, dokumentima, znanstvenim člancima i u elektroničkim dokumentima i izvorima, relevantnih mrežnih stranica, vezanih za pravnu lingvistiku. S obzirom na terminološke promjene, koje su uslijedile nakon promjena zakona 1990. provela se poredbena analiza nazivlja (termina) u oba jezika, istražilo se u kojoj je mjeri došlo do promjene nazivlja (termina) i kako se ono uskladilo s nazivljem (terminima) u zakonima EU. Na kraju rada nalazi se osvrt na analiziranu problematiku te izvedeni zaključci s obzirom na postojeću literaturu i prevoditeljsku praksu pravnoga nazivlja ili terminologije. U radu su ponuđena vlastita rješenja nedoumica koja nastaju prilikom prevođenja pravnoga nazivlja s jednoga jezika na drugi, s izvornog na ciljni jezik. Poslije zaključka navedena je literatura korištena za pisanje ovoga rada, slijede prilozi, među kojima je i građa za rječnik pravnog nazivlja. |
Abstract (english) | Generally taking into account the complexity of the legal system, and thus its correspon- ding terminology, this work is focused on an analysis of legal terminology, in the domains of constitutional, criminal, financial and civil law, with attention to historical turning points from 1917 to today. There is also a special contrast analysis in this work of the contemporary situati- on in law and a comparison of terms in individual branches of Croatian and Russian law. In the first part of this work theoretical questions related to the problem of the defining of terms and legal terminology was taken into consideration, the consolidation of terminology on the basis of word‘s affiliation with a certain scientific field and the defined and closed system within the frame of such a scientific field, based on examples from constitutional, criminal, financial and civil law, and some examples from international law. The terms were taken into consideration from a linguistic and legal perspective, with the elaboration of the basic concepts in this terminology: term, concept, conceptual system and definition. In this part of the work, the emphasis of our research is also on the language of law as a subsystem of general language, and as it is quite specific, it presents a specialised language with multiple layers of meaning. Furthermore, there is a brief historical overview of historical turning points in the formation of legal terminology and the legal system (from 1917 to 1991, and especially after 1991, all until the appeal for legal concordance with the laws of the EU) as well as the history of research re- garding the question of legal terminology. In the first part of this work the context of this resear- ch is situated i.e. the topic of this work. Terms and terminology in a linguistic and legal context. The second part of the work is focused on the translation of legal terms, the translation process, the role of the translator in the translation process, the practical aspects of the transla- tion of legal terminology from Russian into Croatian, the characteristics and actualities of legal translation, ensuring a quality legal translation as well as the competence of court translators, i.e. on theory and practice with examples in Croatia. The problem of translating legal termi- nology is a central part of this work, and with the exception of the second chapter, the topic of legal translation also informs the third chapter in which legal terminology is analysed. A legal translation is a special type of translation, as it unites not only knowledge of a certain language, which is first of all a necessity for any translator, but also knowledge from the field of law: laws, their categorisation and logic. A translation must be precise, i.e. the terms used in a translation must be the same throughout a document. The third and fundamental part of this work is focused on the empirical research into the function of terminology in the legal documents in constitutional, criminal, financial and civil law in Croatian and Russian. The analysis of legal terms was approached within the framework of legal language and attention was placed on the adequacy of the creation of terminological units, with a comparison of legal texts, terminological constructs, collocations as well as the stylistics of legal texts and the specific use of terminological units within them: thus, on the functions they enact in a certain legal text. The language of the legal profession, as is the case with the language of any other profession, is different from the general language and must be learned as a special language. It has been confirmed in works of scholarship that legal jargon or legalese is difficult for those not of the legal profession to understand, as it encompasses non-standard and obscure words, which are rarely used other than in legal documents, as well as numerous Latin phrases as well as the use of the passive rather than active tense. Sue to the administra- tive style used for legal documents, sentences are often overlong (including over two hundred words), so that the meaning of a legal text is difficult to understand. A legal translation has its characteristics: sentence constructs, specific words and lexical patterns. A legal translation has the same legal weight as the original text and for this it is important to adequately translate a specific term. Problems arise as in law one word can have more meanings. Sometimes it is im- possible to find a term in the dictionary, yet this term as used by professionals in a certain field, is inappropriate. The term is impossible to translate without a serious search through various sources and the analysis of context. Digital translation can assist translation, yet certain patterns are difficult to translate without the role of an experienced translator. Furthermore, terms can also have a historical connotation if one is dealing with a historical. In this case, the document wears the stamp of time, the communication of one epoch with another, i.e. a term is conside- red in synchrony or diachrony. In this instance, terms must be in accordance in the translation, taking into account the age of the document, with a compulsory explanation of such terms (in footnotes at the bottom of the page or in endnotes). Other than knowledge of a language, the language which is the point of vantage and the language to which it is aimed, the corresponding term, i.e. its confirmation, must occasionally be sought in other languages. The selected terms are analysed primarily according to a semantic plan. Taking into account that the terms for the branches of law all differentiate, the division is syste- matic: - the title of a document, according to the frequency of the appearance of a term and its colloca- tion in an individual document, and to affirm its meaning - an analysis of the semantic field to which it belongs - the translation and the search for an adequate translation in dictionaries, documents, scientific papers and e-documents and sources, relevant web pages related to the linguistics of law. Taking into account changes in terminology, which had occurred after changes in the law after 1990, a comparative analysis of terms in both languages was carried out, and the extent to which these terms changed and how there were brought to concordance with the laws of the EU was carried out. A the end of the work there is an overview of the what has been analysed herein as well as the conclusions which have been derived from this, taking into account the existing literature and the practice of the translation of legal terms and terminology. In this work, the author has offered her own solutions to some of the aporia which arise when translating legal terms form from one language to another, from the original language to the language which is the aim. Following the conclusion, the literature used for the writing of this work is cited, and at the end an outline for a dictionary of legal terminology. |