Title Uređaji reguliranja i upravljanja rashladnog sustava
Title (english) Regulation and control devices of refrigeration systems
Author Dino Smoljan
Mentor Ivica Glavan (mentor)
Committee member Marijan Gržan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Glavan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Gospić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Maritime Department) (Division of Maritime Engineering) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-10-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Abstract U tehnici hlađenja se iz dana u dan pojavljuju novosti bilo to na strani rashladnih procesa ili radnih tvari koji se koriste u procesu. Za dobivanje rashladnog učinka neophodni su reguliranja i upravljanja rashladnim sustavom. Imperativ je našeg vremena povećanje učinkovitosti rada rashladnog sustava, a sve to nam je omogućeno primjenom uređaja za regulaciju i upravljanje. Pored opisanih uređaja u rashladnim sustavima primjenjuju se i niz drugih uređaja (regulatora) koji su danas sastavni dio svakog novijeg sustava. U velike rashladne kompresora ugrađuju se termostati za zaštitu stroja od pregrijavanja ulja za podmazivanje, ležišta, stjenki cilindra i drugo. U elektromotore kompresora ugrađuju se termostati za zaštitu od pregrijavanja namotaja i ležaja. Ovi uređaji isključuju kompresor ili motor kompresora iz rada kad temperatura dostigne opasnu vrijednost. Za otapanje inja sa isparivača koriste se diferencijalni presostati koji mjere pad tlaka zraka pri njegovom strujanju kroz isparivač i kad taj tlak postane velik usljed nakupljenog inja uključuju sistem otapanja. Svi gore obrađeni uređaji, svaki u svom segmentu neophodni su zbog prednosti u tehnologiji održavanja, ekonomičnosti i funkcionalnosti sustava. Pogodnosti ugradnje uređaja za reguliranje i upravljanje rashladnim sustavom su višestruke i to: racionalniji i sigurniji rad uređaja, olakšano nadziranje i kontrola, pravovremeno održavanje, učinkovitiji rad, djelotvornije korištenje uređaja, točnije održavanje zadanih parametara, smanjenje troškova korištenja, jednostavnije otkrivanje i otklanjanje kvarova, otpornost rashladnog uređaja i produžen vijek trajanja sustava.
Iz svega gore opisanog vidljivo nam je da je najvažnija zadaća uređaja za regulaciju i upravljanje održavanje ili mijenjanje slijedećih veličina prema zadanim pravilima. To su: temperatura hlađenog prostora, vlažnost zraka u rashladnim prostorima, sposobnost kompresora da ispuni tražene zahtjeve, tlak kondenzacije u kondenzatoru, učinkovitost isparivača, temperatura rashladnog fluida na usisnoj strani kompresora, kvaliteta ulja za podmazivanje kompresora i iznosi reguliranih parametara u rashladnom sustavu.
Abstract (english) In cooling technique from day to day news appear, be it on the side of the cooling process or working substances used in the process. To obtain a cooling effect regulation and control are required. The imperative of our time is increase efficiency of the cooling system, and all this is made possible for us using regulation and control devices. In addition to the devices described in refrigeration systems a number of other devices (regulators) which are an integral part of every newer system also apply. Thermostats are installed in large refrigeration compressors to protect the compressor from overheating of the lubricating oil, bearings, cylinder walls and other. Thermostats are installed in the compressor electric motors for protection against overheating of coils and bearings. These devices exclude the compressor or compressor motor from operation when the temperature reaches a dangerous value. Differential pressure switches are used to dissolve the frost from the evaporator. They measure the drop in air pressure as it flows through and when that pressure becomes high due to the build-up of frost they turn on the dissolution system. All devices discussed above, each in its segment are necessary because of its advantages in maintenance technology, economy and functionality of the system. Convenience of installation of devices for regulation and control of cooling system are multiple: more rational and safer operation of the device, facilitated monitoring and control, maintenance at the right time, more efficient operation, use your device more efficiently, more specifically maintaining the given parameters, reducing usage costs, , easier detection and troubleshooting, resistance of the refrigeration unit and extended system life.
From all the above we can see that the most important task of regulation and control devices is to maintain or resize the following sizes by default. Those are:temperature of the cooled space, humidity of air in cooling rooms, the compressor’s ability to fulfil the required requirements, condensation pressure in the condenser, evaporator efficiency, coolant temperature on the suction side of the compressor, compressor lubrication oil quality and amounts of regulated parameters in the refrigeration system.
rashladni uređaji
Keywords (english)
refrigeration system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:151630
Study programme Title: Naval Mechanical Engineering and Maritime Industry Technology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka brodostrojarstva i tehnologije pomorskog prometa (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka brodostrojarstva i tehnologije pomorskog prometa)
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Created on 2020-07-21 07:43:44