Title Rad s djecom s teškoćama u razvoju u Montessori pedagogiji
Title (english) Working with Children with Developmental Disabilities in Montessori Pedagogy
Author Lucija Petrić
Mentor Rozana Petani (mentor)
Committee member Ana Marija Rogić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rozana Petani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-05-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract U središtu Montessori pedagogije je dijete te je cilj razviti djetetovu samostalnost i neovisnost. Ona u potpunosti odgovara na individualne potrebe djeteta, njegove sposobnosti i interese. Zadaća odraslih je pripremiti okolinu i osigurati didaktički materijal koje onda dijete prema svojoj slobodi izabire. Sloboda je jedan od osnovnih karakteristika Montessori pedagogije i temelj odgoja pojedinca. Maria Montessori je smatrala kako proces učenja započinje kod djeteta, a ne kod učitelja te je to jedna od glavnih ideja o poučavanju djeteta. Dijete uči koristeći sve osjetilne dojmove, kretanjem, vidom, sluhom, taktilnim osjetilima, koncentracijom, izdržljivošću, pokretom. Ona je svoje djelovanje započela u radu s djecom s teškoćama u razvoju, odnosno djecom s kojom nitko nije želio raditi. Revolucionarni pothvat bio je integracija djece s teškoćama u razvoju u redovne odgojno-obrazovne ustanove. Bila je prva koja je teškoće u razvoju gledala kao pedagoški, a ne samo medicinski problem. Borila se za svako dijete jer za nju svako dijete ima jednake mogućnosti za razvoj. Uključivanje djece s više teškoća i djece s različitim teškoćama u skupine djece s tipičnim razvojem rezultira time da mlađi uče od starijih, slabiji od jačih. Pomažući drugima socijaliziraju se i kognitivno razvijaju. Montessori vrtići u Hrvatskoj naglašavaju inkluziju i provode je u svim odgojnim skupinama, a u slučaju potrebe provode i Montessori terapiju – individualan pristup u radu s djetetom. Naglašavaju kako dijete treba poštivati, posebno s njegovim slabostima, kao jedinstvenu, cjelovitu individualnost. Cilj terapije je djetetu pokazati put, ali pustiti dijete da ide svojim tempom, makar to trajalo puno duže. Temeljna misao „Pomozi mi da to učinim sam“ idealno opisuje ovaj koncept. Pripremljena okolina, didaktički materijali i odgojitelj temelj su djetetovog optimalnog razvoja.
Abstract (english) At the heart of Montessori pedagogy is the child and the goal is to develop the child's independence. It fully responds to the child's individual needs, abilities and interests. The task of adults is to prepare the environment and to provide didactic material which the child then chooses according to his desire. Freedom is one of the basic characteristics of Montessori pedagogy and the basis of individual upbringing. Maria Montessori believed that the learning process begins with the child, not the teacher, and this is one of the main ideas for teaching the child. The child learns using all sensory impressions, by movement, vision, hearing, tactile senses, concentration. She started working with children with disabilities, children with whom no one wanted to work with. A revolutionary endeavor was the integration of children with disabilities into mainstream educational institutions. She was the first to view developmental disabilities as a pedagogical, not just a medical problem. She fought for every child because for her every child has equal opportunities for development. The inclusion of children with more disabilities and children with disabilities in groups of children with typical development results in younger learners learning from older, weaker from stronger ones. By helping others they socialize and develop cognitively. Montessori kindergartens in Croatia emphasize inclusion and implement it in all educational groups, and, if necessary, implement Montessori therapy - an individual approach. They emphasize that a child should be respected, especially with his weaknesses, as a unique, complete individuality. The goal of therapy is to show the child the path, but to let the child go at its own pace, even if it takes much longer. The basic idea of "Help me do this alone" ideally describes this concept. The prepared environment, didactic materials and the teacher are the basis of the child's optimal development.
Montessori pedagogija
Montessori terapija
predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje
teškoće u razvoju
Keywords (english)
developmental disabilities
Montessori pedagogy
Montessori therapy
preschool education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:381703
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-06-25 12:22:02