Title Antički natpisi na području Bujštine
Title (english) Ancient inscriptions on the territory of Bujština
Author Marin Severović
Mentor Miroslav Glavičić (mentor)
Committee member Željko Miletić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Maršić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Glavičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Ancient Archeology
Abstract U ovome se radu kroz prizmu antičkih spomenika, prvenstveno latinskih natpisa želi ispričati priča o antici na području Bujštine. To relativno maleno područje koje se nalazi na sjeverozapadu Istre ima izrazito bogatu povijest, počevši od prapovijesti pa sve do 60-ih godina prošloga stoljeća i razvitka turizma. Antičko je razdoblje u istraživačkom pogledu često bilo marginalizirano pa je to bio i jedan od razloga izrade ove diplomske radnje. Nakon konzultiranja antičkih pisaca koji izrazito skromno pišu o tim krajevima i antičkih itinerara, u radu se opisuju razni antički lokaliteti, od kojih su neki uklopljeni u moderne gradove, a neki su samostalno izdvojeni. Antički natpisi obrađeni su u obliku kataloga, sa svim najosnovnijim informacijama o njima, kao i s nešto detaljnijim onomastičkim analizama. U katalog su uvršteni svi do sada poznati natpisi koji potječu iz Umaga, Novigrada, Buja, Oprtlja, Brtonigle te ostalih manjih naselja i sela. Kada se sve to zbroji, na kraju se dobije jedna smislena i cjelovita slika o antičkom razdoblju na Bujštini, kao i o njenim živopisnim stanovnicima, među kojima ima i bogatih i siromašnih, i robova i oslobođenika, i vojnika i upravitelja imanja. Također se raspravlja i o raznim problematikama koje se često vežu uz pojedine natpise i imena, te se osim teorija i različitih teza, pokušava dati i rješenje.
Abstract (english) In this work, through the prism of ancient monuments, primarily latin inscriptions, the story of antiquity in the Bujština area is told. This relatively small area located in the northwest of Istria has a very rich history, dating from prehistoric times to the 1960s and the development of tourism. The ancient roman period was often marginalized in research, thus this was one of the main reasons for this thesis. After consulting ancient writers who write very modestly about these lands and ancient itineraries, the paper describes various ancient roman sites, some of which are incorporated into modern cities, and some are settled out independently. The roman inscriptions were processed in the form of a catalog, with all the necessary information about them, as well as some more detailed onomastic analyzes. The catalog includes all known inscriptions from Umag, Novigrad, Buje, Oprtalj, Brtonigla and other smaller settlements and villages. When all this is summed up, one finally gets a some meaningful and complete picture of the ancient period in Bujština, as well as their colorful inhabitants, including rich and poor, slaves and freedmen, soldiers and property managers. It also discusses various issues that are often associated with particular inscriptions and names on them, and in addition to theories and different theses, an attempt is also made to provide a solution.
latinski natpisi
Keywords (english)
latin inscriptions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:362141
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra arheologije (magistar/magistra arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-01-07 17:44:46