Abstract | Prvo i najvažnije pitanje koje se postavlja pri otkrivanju povijesne pozadine Trojanskog rata je postojanje same Troje i Trojanskog rata. Njemački milijarder Heinrich Schliemann je u drugoj polovici 19. st. na brdu Hisarlik u sjeverozapadnoj Turskoj iskopao grad za koji se danas vjeruje da je drevna Troja. Još u antici se vjerovalo da je na ovom mjestu lokacija Troje, a uz to, postoje i brojne sličnosti između homerske Troje i geografske realnosti Hisarlika. Grčki su pisci rat, za koji su smatrali da je njihova najveća vojna ekspedicija u povijesti, smještali u 13. i 12. stoljeće prije Krista, a moderna su arheološka iskapanja potvrdila da je Troja u tom periodu (kasnog brončanog doba) bila uništena ratom. Unatoč diskontinuitetu koji se u Ilijadi javlja zbog protoka vremena između samog događaja i nastanka djela, Homer opisuje oružja, oklope, predmete i običaje iz kasnog brončanog doba. Na prostoru današnje Grčke se u brončanom dobu razvila Mikenska kultura, čiji su tragovi pronađeni i u Troji. Najvažniji gradovi Mikenske kulture su Mikena, Tirint, Orhomen, Pil, Korint, Sparta. Najvažniji centri Mikenske kulture su krajem brončanog doba, nedugo nakon uništenja Troje, uništeni i mnogi od njih su nakon toga nenaseljeni, dok su se na mjestima nekih od njih razvili istoimeni klasični grčki polisi. Hititski i egipatski pisani izvori potvrđuju da su se stanovnici današnje Grčke u kasnom brončanom dobu nazivali Ahejcima i Danajcima, a preko grčkih izvora, odnosno tekstova napisanih linear b pismom, potvrđena je njihova vojna aktivnost na području Male Azije. Preko tih izvora se saznaje da se običaji i kultura homerskog društva podudaraju sa onima stvarnih Ahejaca i Danajaca. Troja je u kasnom brončanom dobu bila moćan grad, opasan jakim zidinama te se svrstava među najveće gradove tog perioda. Između slojeva Troja VI i VIIa postoji kulturni kontinuitet, a obje su uništene ratom i se još uvijek ne zna koji od ta dva sloja je bio poprište najpoznatijeg antičkog rata. Trojanski rat predstavlja kraj jednog doba, brončanog doba, herojskog, mitskog doba, nakon kojeg će se formirati klasični Grci. |
Abstract (english) | First and foremost question that should be answered during the examination of historical background of the Trojan War is the existence of the city of Troy and the Trojan War. In the second half of the 19th century German billionare Heinrich Schliemann excavated the city on the hill of Hisarlik in north-west Turkey which is nowdays believed to be the ruins of the ancient city of Troy. It was a general belief of the Antiquity that the site was location of Troy. Further more, there are lot of simmilarities between the Homeric Troy and geographical reality of Hisarlik. Ancient Greek writers who believed that the Trojan War was their greatest war ever fought, dated it in the 13th and 12th centuries B.C., and archeological excavations proved that in that period (Late Bronze Age) Troy was destroyed by war. Even though the Illiad was composed couple of centuries after the Trojan War which has caused certain discontinuity, Homer described weapons and objects that were specific for the Late Bronze Age. During the Bronze Age a new culture developed in the area of the modern day Greece, and today that culture is called Mycenaean culture. Traces of that culture are found in Troy too. Most important sites of Mycenaean culture are Mycenae, Tiryns, Corinth, Orchomenos, Pylos, Sparta. Most important centers of Mycenaean culture were destroyed near the end of the Brozne Age, some time soon after the destruction of Troy. Some of those sites were uninhabited after that but some were rebuild and became classical Greek cities. Hittite and Egyptian literary sources confirmed that in the Bronze Age people who lived in modern day Greece region were called Achaeans or Danaans and Greek sources written in linear b confirm military activities of Achaeans in Asia Minor. Also, those sources confirm that rituals and tradition of Homeric society were similar to those of real Achaeans. Troy was a powerful city of the Late Bronze Age, with strong walls and is considered to be one of the biggest cities of that period. There is a cultural continuity between Troy VI and Troy VIIa and both were destroyed by war, so there are still debates over which one was the site of the most famous war of the Antiquity. Trojan War represents the end of one period, whether Bronze Age or heroic, mythical age, after which the classical Greeks would form. |