Title Pedagoško oblikovanje muzejskih aktivnosti predškolske djece u Narodnom muzeju u Zadru
Title (english) Instructional design museum activities of pre-school children at the National Museum in Zadar
Author Maja Dešpoja
Mentor Tamara Kisovar Ivanda (mentor)
Committee member Smiljana Zrilić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Nenadić Bilan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Kisovar Ivanda (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy
Abstract Ovaj rad temelji se na akcijskom istraživanju djece starijih mješovitih odgojnih skupina, u područnom objektu „Grigor Vitez“, dječjeg vrtića „Radost“ u Zadru, u suradnji s odgojiteljima. Projekt se odvijao u pedagoškoj godini 2018./2019. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 26 djece, 13 djevojčica i 13 dječaka. Neposredno prije provedbe akcijskog istraživanja, provedeni su polustrukturirani intervjui s četiri odgojiteljice, muzejskom pedagoginjom i djecom predškolske dobi. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi na koji način surađuju odgojitelji i pedagoška služba u muzeju i u dječjem vrtiću s ciljem postizanja optimalne organizacije dječjih aktivnosti povezanih s muzejskim sadržajima. Pozornost se usmjerila prema dječjem umjetničkom, likovnom, društvenom i istraživačko-spoznajnom izražavanju potaknutim muzejskim aktivnostima. Pokazalo se kako je odgojiteljica ostvarila izvrsnu suradnju s Narodnim muzejom Zadar jer je tijekom pedagoške godine ostvareno nekoliko posjeta muzeju, ali je i muzejska pedagoginja posjetila vrtić te su zajedno proveli raznovrsne aktivnosti koje su kod djece izazvale veliko oduševljenje, suradnju i razvoj stvaralaštva. Provođenjem raznovrsnih stvaralačkih aktivnosti stavljen je naglasak na poticanje djetetove slobode izraza, stvaralačke mašte i emotivnog doživljaja, što je nadalje, uz bolje upoznavanje djeteta i otkrivanja njegovih skrivenih potencijala, dovelo do novih spoznaja vezanih uz njegovanje, upoznavanje i očuvanje baštine. Djetetova kreativnost je vrlo važan čimbenik u njegovom životu jer omogućava djetetu da se razvija u osobu koja je spreman na inovativnost i koja preuzima inicijativu u različitim situacijama, a unutar odgojno- obrazovnih institucija ona se mora neprestano poticati različitim aktivnostima. Vrlo važan je djetetov doživljaj, a ako se želi kod djeteta poticati razvoj tradicionalnih vrijednosti i očuvanja baštine potrebno je da dijete ima slobodu u biranju aktivnosti koje ga zanimaju te da mu se omogući proaktivno djelovanje u bogatom poticajnom okruženju koje ga poziva na aktivno iskustveno učenje.
Abstract (english) This work is based on action research of children aged mixed educational groups, the regional facility „Grigor Vitez“, kindergarten „Radost“ in Zadar, in collaboration with educators. The project took place in the school year 2018./2019. The study included a total of 26 children, 13 girls and 13 boys. Immediately prior to the implementation of action research were conducted semi-structured interviews with four educators, museum educator and preschool children. The aim of the research was to determine how collaborating educators and pedagogical department in the museum and in the kindergarten in order to achieve optimal organization of children's activities related to museum facilities. Attention is directed to children's art, art, social and cognitive research it appears that educators achieve excellent cooperation with the National Museum Zadar because during the school year realized several visits to the museum, but the museum educator visited kindergarten and together they conducted various activities in children caused great enthusiasm, cooperation and development of creativity. By conducting various creative activities put the emphasis on encouraging the child's freedom of expression, creative imagination and emotional experience, which is further, with better knowledge of the child and discovering its hidden potential, leading to new insights into the nurturing, learning and heritage preservation. The child's creativity is a very important factor in his life because it allows the child to develop into a person who is willing to be innovative and to take the initiative in different situations, and inside of educational institutions it must constantly promote various activities. Very important is the child's experience, and if you want the child to encourage the development of traditional values and heritage preservation is necessary that the child has the freedom to choose activities that interest them and to permit them to proactive action in a rich stimulating environment which calls for active experiential learning.
akcijsko istraživanje
Etnološki odjel
muzejske aktivnosti
Narodni muzej Zadar
polustrukturirani intervju
predškolska dob
Keywords (english)
action research
Ethnological department
museum activities
the National Museum of Zadar
semi-structured interview
preschool age
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:978693
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-11-27 09:53:50