Title Procjena antropogenog utjecaja na Nacionalni park Brijuni
Title (english) Evaluation of anthropogenic impact on NP Brijuni
Author Ivana Bušljeta
Mentor Zoran Šikić (mentor)
Mentor Ivan Župan (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Šarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Šikić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bruna Petani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-06-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy
Abstract U svrhu izrade ovog rada, u suradnji s Nacionalnim parkom Brijuni i znanstvenicima s Odjela za geologiju na Prirodoslovno-tehničkom fakultetu u Ljubljani, provedena je analiza sedimenta na 5 lokacija u Nacionalnom parku kako bi se utvrdile razlike između lokacija s različitim intenzitetom antropogenog utjecaja, te različitim stupnjem zaštite i dopuštenim aktivnostima na tom području. Lokacije su podjeljene s obzirom na jačinu antropogenog utjecaja i mogućnost zagađenja na:
- Lokacije s izraženim antropogenim utjecajem: Luka Veli Brijun, - Lokacije s umjerenim antropogenim utjecajem: Uvala Zenadija, Rt Sokol i Otok Grunj, - Lokacija s izrazito niskim antropogenim utjecajem: Uvala Javorika.
Određene su geokemijske i mineralne karakteristike sedimenta na navedenim lokacijama kako bi se na temelju dobivenih rezultata mogle utvrditi razlike između ovih lokaliteta s obzirom na jakost antropogenog utjecaja na njima. Provedena XRD analiza ukazala je na homogen mineraloški sadržaj koji je odraz geološke strukture Brijuna. Koristeći XRF metodu odredili smo u kojim koncentracijama su zastupljeni glavni, sporedni kao i potencijalno toksični elementi (PTE) na svakoj od lokacija. Izračunati su i razina onečišćenja, indeks geoakumulacije (IGEO) te faktor obogaćenja (enrichment factor - EF) za pojedine PTE za svaku lokaciju. Svaka od navedenih metoda ukazala je na povećanu onečišćenost arsenom, cinkom, olovom i bakrom u luci Veli Brijun što je vjerojatno posljedica nautičkog turizma, ispusta nepročišćenih otpadnih voda direktno u morski okoliš te korištenja protuobraštajnih sredstava. Koncentracije PTE smanjivale su se s udaljavanjem od luke. Cink je PTE koji se na svim lokacijama javlja u najvećim koncentracijama, a nalazimo ga u otpadnim vodama, antikorozivnim sredstvima, motornim uljima, akumulatorima i gumama. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu uspostave novih mjera zaštite i sustava monitoringa antropogenog utjecaja.
Abstract (english) For the purpose of this work, in cooperation with the National Park Brijuni and the scientists from the Department of Geology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Ljubljana, sediment analysis was carried out at 5 sites in the National Park to determine the differences between sites with different intensity of anthropogenic influence, different degrees of protection and allowed activities in this area. Locations are divided by the intensity of anthropogenic impacts and the possibility of pollution on:
- Locations with a intensive anthropogenic influence: Luka Veli Brijun, - Locations with moderate anthropogenic influence: Bay Zenadija, Sokol Cape, and Grunj Island, - Location with very low anthropogenic influence: Bay Javorika.
Geochemical and mineral characteristics of sediments were defined at these locations in order to determine the differences between these sites based on the different strength of anthropogenic impact on them. The XRD analysis showed a homogenous mineral content that reflects the geological structure of Brijuni. Using the XRF method, we determined the concentrations of major, minor and potentially toxic elements (PTE) on each site. The pollution level, the geoaccumulation index (IGEO) and the enrichment factor (EF) for each PTE for each location were also calculated. Each of the above mentioned methods showed increased pollution of arsenic, zinc, lead and copper in the port of Veli Brijun which is probably result of nautical tourism, the discharge of untreated waste water directly into the marine environment and the use of antifouling products. Concentrations of PTE decreased with departure from the port. Zinc is a PTE that occurs at the highest concentrations at all locations and is found in waste waters, anticorrosion agents, motor oils, accumulators and tires. The results point to the need to establish new protection measures and anthropogenic impact monitoring systems.
NP Brijuni
antropogeni utjecaj
potencijalno toksični elementi
Keywords (english)
NP Brijuni
anthropogenic influence
potentially toxic elements
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:492935
Study programme Title: Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra održivog upravljanja vodenim ekosustavima (magistar/magistra održivog upravljanja vodenim ekosustavima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-14 14:09:32