Abstract | CILJ RADA: Prikazati problem obiteljskog nasilja u Hrvatskoj, problema usmjeren na nasilje nad ženama, djeci, starijim osobama i muškarcima.
UVOD: Razne su vrste obitelji, a njihov stvarni nastanak teško je definirati. Njihova se struktura kroz godine mijenjala. Danas, u modernom dobu, postoji nekoliko vrsta obitelji, a načini života članova obitelji svakodnevno se mijenjaju. Tome možemo zahvaliti globalizaciji, industrijalizaciji, urbanizaciji i mnogim drugim pojavama koje svakodnevno mijenjaju naš život. No ipak, postoje stvari koje se teško mijenjaju.
RASPRAVA: Nasilje u obiteljskoj zajednici su, nažalost, neizbježna pojava od samog osnivanja zajednica. Ono dakle nije nova pojava, a vjeruje se da postoji od pamtivijeka. Uz navedeno, valja napomenuti kako je obiteljsko nasilje tek nedavno prepoznato kao društveni problem. Kada je riječ o nasilju u obitelji, ono se vrši nad djecom, ženama, ali i starijim osobama. Smatra se da su žene i djeca najugroženija dobna skupina kada je riječ o zlostavljanju. Iako države raznim regulativama nastoje smanjiti udio počinjenih kaznenih djela, postoji problem neprijavljenih slučajeva. Naime, žrtve često imaju strah od posljedica prijave samog napada. Ovdje je riječ o bojazni za još većim stradanjem ako nasilnik sazna da je prijavljen, strah da državne institucije ne poduzmu potrebne mjere, strah od odugovlačenja samog procesa prijave i suđenja i drugo. U ovom slučaju države moraju pravodobno i pravovremeno reagirati i urediti svoja zakonodavstva. Brojne organizacije nastoje probuditi i osvijestiti članice na reakciju. U svrhu što boljeg zbrinjavanja i pomaganja žrtvama, liječnici se obučavaju i prolaze razne metode kojima mogu olakšati težak životni period. Kako bi se uopće moglo pomoći unesrećenim osobama potrebno je utvrditi koja osoba je vršila nasilje. Takve osobe nerijetko imaju zdravstvenih i mentalnih problema.
ZAKLJUČAK: Stručnjaci i danas nastoje utvrditi pravu tezu između nastanka nasilja i njegovog sprječavanja. No nesumnjivo je da se nasilje često prenosi iz generacije u generaciju. Ako su žrtve djeca, postoji rizik od toga da i oni sami postanu nasilnici u budućnosti. Razlog tome leži u činjenici da je njihov odgoj drugačiji, oni uče živjeti na takav način i to smatraju ispravnim, a zatim u budućnosti isto primjenjuju na drugima. Ova problematika za sobom vodi niz tema koje stručnjaci i danas nastoje utvrditi. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVE: To present problem of domestic violence in Croatia, problem is focused on violence to women, children, eldery people and men.
INTRODUCTION: There are different types of families, and their origin is difficult to define. Their structure has changed over the years. Today, in the modern age, there are several types of families, and their members' lifestyles change daily. We have globalization, industrialization, urbanization and many other phenomena, that change our lives everyday, to thank for. But there are things that are hard to change.
DISCUSSION: Domestic violence is, unfortunately, an inevitable occurrence since the founding of the communities. It is therefore not a new phenomenon, and is believed to have been around since time immemorial. In addition, it should be noted that domestic violence has only recently been recognized as a social problem. When it comes to domestic violence, it is committed against children, women, but also the elderly. Women and children are considered to be the most vulnerable age group when it comes to abuse. Although states have sought to reduce the proportion of crimes committed by various regulations, there is a problem of unreported cases. Specifically, victims often fear the consequences of reporting the attack. There is a fear of even greater suffering if the abuser learns that he has been reported, the fear that state institutions will not take the necessary measures, the fear of the application and the trial process being delayed, and more. In this case, states need to react and regulate their legislation in a timely manner. Numerous organizations are trying to make their members aware of the violence and the imporatnce to react to it. In order to provide the best care and assistance to the victims, doctors are trained and are undergoing various methods that can facilitate a difficult period of life. In order to be able to help the injured persons, it is necessary to determine who committed the violence. Such persons often have health and mental health problems.
CONCLUSION: Today, experts are trying to determine the real connection between the onset of violence and its prevention. But there is no doubt that violence is often passed on from generation to generation.. If the victims are children, there is a risk that they themselves may become abusers in the future. The reason for this lies in the fact that their upbringing is different, they learn to live in this way and consider it right, and then apply it to others in the future. This issue leads to a number of topics that experts are still trying to identify today. (1) |