Abstract | Crtež je medij koji postavlja pitanja i stimulira odgovor. Svjedočimo kako su autori kroz
povijest putem crteža zapisivali, prenosili poruke, događaje, a naposljetku i izražavali vlastite
misli. Upotrebljavajući razne linije, krivulje, mrlje oslikavali su stanja, strahove, ali i ostale
prisutne emocije. Ono što povezuje svaki crtež, bilo da se radi o umjetničkom ili dječjem, upravo
je komunikacija koja se ostvaruje kroz djelo.
Dječji crtež ima svoja karakteristična obilježja s obzirom na dob, ali ono što razlikuje
svakoga od njih je vlastito viđenje svijeta i okoline koja ga okružuje. Putem crteža ono uči o sebi,
spoznaje svoje mogućnosti, usvaja i upotpunjuje svoj unutarnji svijet. Tijekom procesa školovanja
djeca usvajaju vještinu čitanja i pisanja, ali im je crtež najbliže sredstvo putem kojeg ostvaruju
komunikaciju s okolinom, a u istraživačkom dijelu rada se upravo istražuje zastupljenost crteža u
različitim nastavnim predmetima. U razrednoj nastavi on ima ključnu ulogu pri izražavanju i
prepoznavanju djetetovog unutarnjeg stanja. Naime, prilikom crtanja dijete reagira spontano i
nesvjesno te se uočavaju elementi koji su obično skriveni ili pripadaju potisnutim razinama
svijesti. Stoga, nije neuobičajeno da se crtež primjenjuje i kao pomoćna metoda u odgojno –
obrazovnim te terapijskim intervencijama. |
Abstract (english) | A drawing is a medium which asks questions and stimulates the answers. We are witnesses
to the fact that authors have, throughout history, written and passed on messages, events and,
finally, their own thoughts by means of drawings. Using various lines, curves and stains, they have
depicted various mental states, fears and other emotions that are present. What connects every
drawing, whether it's a work of art or a child's one, is the communication which is realized through
a certain piece.
A child's drawing has its distinctive features, which depend on the age of its author, but
what makes it different is their own worldview and understanding of the environment that
surrounds them. Through the act of drawing, children learn about themselves, they acknowledge
their possibilities, acquire and complete their inner world. During the schooling process, children
adopt the skills of reading and writing, but the drawing is the closest tool for communication with
the environment and the work researches the presence of drawing in various teaching subjects. In
classroom teaching, it has a key role in expressing and recognizing a child's inner state. In other
words, when a child draws, it reacts spontaneously and unconsciously, and the elements, which
are usually hidden or belong to the suppressed levels of consciousness, can be recognized.
Therefore, it is not uncommon for a drawing to be applied as an auxiliary method in educational
and therapeutic interventions. |