Title Phantastik in Thomas Glavinics Romanen
Title (english) Fantasy in Thomas Glavinic's Novels
Author Luka Antonio Gotovac
Mentor Goran Lovrić (mentor)
Committee member Goran Lovrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavija Kabić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Jeleč (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-03-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Die literarische Phantastik ist ein Genre, das in der Gegenwartsliteratur erscheint. Phantastik nimmt die Stellung zwischen zwei Erzählwelten ein: der realen und der wunderbaren Erzählwelt. Diese zwei Erzählwelten sind zwei gegenüberstehende Spektrumsränder des literarischen Realitätssystems. Die Stellung der phantastischen Erzählwelt in die Spektrumsmitte bezeichnet das sgt. Nichtsystem. Wegen seiner Unbegreifbarkeit verursacht das Nichtsystem das Nichtverstehen beim Leser. Dem Fremden, bzw. dem Nichtsystem kann sich der Leser annähern, aber eine eindeutige Klärung der Phantastik in Romanen ist nicht möglich. Die zwei Werke, die in dieser Diplomarbeit bearbeitet werden, sind Thomas Glavinics Romane Das Leben der Wünsche (2009) und Die Arbeit der Nacht (2006). Beide Romane gehören zum Genre der Phantastik. Manche Genrekonventionen, die die literarische Phantastik kennzeichnen, sind ein minimalistischer Schreibstil, erzählerische Kälte, unzuverlässiges Erzählen, Identitätskrisen der Hauptfigur, phantastische Ereignisse, usw. Das zentrale Motiv des Romans Das Leben der Wünsche ist das Wunschmotiv. Am Anfang der Handlung wünscht sich Jonas Antworten auf eine Reihe von existenziellen Fragen zu bekommen. Als seine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen, erlebt die Hauptfigur Jonas eine Identitätskrise – er schwebt durch die Luft und halluziniert. Im Roman Die Arbeit der Nacht gilt das Motiv des letzten Menschen als Hauptmotiv des Romans. Jonas wacht eines Tages auf und bemerkt, dass er allein auf der Welt ist. Demzufolge erlebt die Hauptfigur Jonas eine Persönlichkeitsspaltung – er perzipiert sich selbst als den Schläfer und das Wolfsvieh. Es gibt viele symbolischen Ereignisse in diesem Roman und sie stehen im Zusammenhang mit der Medialität und der Verlorenheit des modernen Menschen. Wegen ihrer Komplexität und Ungewöhnlichkeit ist die literarische Phantastik ein attraktives Thema für einen innovativen und spannenden DaF-Unterricht.
Abstract (croatian) Književna fantastika je žanr koji se pojavljuje u suvremenoj književnosti. Fantastika zauzima mjesto između dva narativna svijeta: stvarnog narativnog svijeta i narativnog svijeta mašte. Ta dva narativna svijeta označavaju dva nasuprotna spektralna ruba književnog sustava stvarnosti. Postavljanje fantastičnog narativnog svijeta u središte spektra definira se kao sustav ništavila. Zbog svoje neshvatljivosti, sustav ništavila utječe na čitateljevo neshvaćanje književne materije. Čitatelj se može približiti tomu što je strano, tj. sustavu ništavila, ali cjelovito objašnjenje fantastike koja se pojavljuje u romanima nije ostvarivo. Dva djela koja se obrađuju u ovome radu su romani Thomasa Glavinica Život želja (2009) i Noćni rad (2006). Oba romana pripadaju žanru fantastike. Neke žanrovske konvencije koje karakteriziraju književnu fantastiku su minimalistički stil pisanja, hladnoća pripovijedanja, nepouzdano pripovijedanje, krize identiteta glavnog lika, nerealna zbivanja itd. Središnji motiv romana Život želja je motiv želje. Na početku radnje Jonas poželi dobiti odgovore na niz egzistencijalnih pitanja. Kako se njegove želje ostvaruju, protagonist Jonas doživljava krizu identiteta – lebdi u zraku i halucinira. U romanu Noćni rad motiv posljednjeg čovjeka centralni je motiv romana. Jonas se jednog dana probudi i shvaća da je sam na svijetu. Kao posljedica toga, glavni lik Jonas doživljava raskol osobnosti – on sebe vidi kao spavača i kao vukodlaka. U ovom romanu ima mnogo simboličnih događaja koji su povezani s medijalnošću i izgubljenošću suvremenog čovjeka. Zbog svoje složenosti i neuobičajenosti, književna fantastika predstavlja atraktivnu temu za inovativnu i uzbudljivu nastavu njemačkog kao stranog jezika.
Abstract (english) The literary fantasy is a genre that appears in contemporary literature. Fantasy occupies the position between two narrative worlds: the real and the imaginary narrative world. These two narrative worlds are two opposing spectral margins of the literary system of reality. The positioning of the fantastic narrative world in the center of the spectrum is called – the non-system. Because of its incomprehensibility, the non-system causes misunderstanding on the part of the reader. The reader may approach the strangeness, i.e. the non-system, but it is not possible to explain with clarity the appearance of fantasy in novels. The two books which are being dealt with in this thesis are Thomas Glavinic's novels Wishes Have a Life of Their Own (2009) and Night Work (2006). Both novels belong to the genre of fantasy. Some genre conventions that characterize the literary fantasy are a minimalist writing style, narrative coldness, unreliable storytelling, identity crises of the main character, fantastic events, etc. The central motif of the novel Wishes Have a Life of Their Own is the motif of desire. At the beginning of the plot, Jonas wishes to obtain the answers to a series of existential questions. As his wishes come true, the protagonist Jonas experiences an identity crisis – he floats in the air and hallucinates. In the novel Night Work, the motif of the last living man is the main theme of the novel. Jonas wakes up one day and realizes that he is alone in the world. As a result, the main character Jonas experiences a personality split – he perceives himself as the sleeper and the werewolf. There are many symbolic events in this novel and they are related to the mediality and the lostness of the modern human. Because of its complexity and unusualness, the literary fantasy is an attractive topic for an innovative and exciting teaching German as a foreign language lesson.
das Fremde
Keywords (croatian)
sustav ništavila
motiv želje
kriza identiteta
raskol osobnosti
Keywords (english)
motif of desire
identity crisis
fear lust
personality split
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:375951
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-04-05 09:42:55