Abstract | U dječjem svijetu, lutka ima neprocjenjivu moć i značenje. Upotrebom malih lutkarskih formi u radu s djecom, odgojitelji omogućavaju djetetu spoznaju jedne sasvim nove dimenzije buđenja mašte, kreativnosti, oslobađanja… Vrijednost lutkarske igre, ocrtava se na ozarenim licima djece u trenutku kada lutke započinju svoju igru. Dijete i lutka tada postaju jedno, a granice ne postoje. U radu se koristila kvantitativna metoda anketnog upitnika sa 20 odgojitelja/ica na području grada Zadra s ciljem da se dobije uvid u kojoj mjeri odgojitelji/ce primjenjuju male lutkarske forme u radu s djecom. Pokazalo se da ispitanici/ce samo ponekad koriste lutkarske igre u radu s djecom, što je potrebno promijeniti u nadolazećem vremenu. Djeca u lutkarskim igrama sudjeluju kao publika i animatori što omogućava djeci oživiti lutke i s njima glumiti. U lutkarskim igrama koristi se više lutaka, a kao najzastupljenije su ručne lutke i lutke na štapu, u čijoj izradi djeca ponekad sudjeluju, a izrađuju se od tkanine i spužve. Pozornica u lutkarskim igrama je uglavnom paravan, a rekviziti za potrebe lutkarskih formi izrađuju se od spužve, papira i kartona, koje samo ponekad rade djeca. Najzastupljenija lutkarska forma u radu s djecom je lutkarski igrokaz u obliku dijaloga djeteta i lutke. Kao literarni predlošci za lutkarske igre, najčešće se koriste bajke i basne. U lutkarskim igrama, ispitanici/ce koriste glazbu, najčešće dječje pjesme. Ispitanici/ce najčešće sami biraju glazbene skladbe/pjesme koje će koristiti u lutkarskim igrama, što je još jedan od indikatora slabe uključenosti djece u izboru glazbe za lutkarske igre, kojom se najčešće označava određena radnja, raspleti ili zapleti priče. Male lutkarske forme u radu s predškolskom djecom obogaćuje scensko, likovno i glazbeno stvaralaštvo. Imajući to u vidu, potrebno je promišljati kako se što učinkovitije angažirati u svojoj kreativnosti i svakodnevno koristiti lutku u radu s djecom. |
Abstract (english) | In a child's world, a puppet has invaluable power and meaning. Using small puppet standards in working with children, educators enable the child to realize a comletely new dimension, creativity, release... The value of the puppet game is depicted on the bright faces of children at the time when puppets strat their game. A child and a puppet then become one and the boundaries do not exist. A quantitative method of questionnaire survey with 20 educators in the Zadar area was used in this papper in order to gain insight into how far educators apply small puppet forms to work with children. It turned out that respondets only sometimes use puppetry games in working with children that need to be changed in the upcoming time. Children in puppetry games participate as an audience and animators which enables children to revive puppets and play with them. More puppets are used in puppetry games and the most common are manual puppets and puppets on the sticks in which children sometimes participate, they are made of fabric and sponges. The stage in puppetry games is mostly a screen, and the requisites for puppetry are made of sponges, paper and cardboard which are only occasionally made by children. The most popular puppet form in working with children is the puppet play in the form of dialogue between the child and the puppet. As literary patterns for puppetry games are mostly used in fairytales and fables. In the puppetry games, respondets use music, mostly children's songs. Respondets usually choose music compositions/songs they will use in puppetry games which is another indicator of poor involvement of children in the selection of music for puppetry games which is often referred to as a particular action, plot and story. Small puppet forms in working with preschool children enrich scenic, art and music creativity. Keeping that in mind, it is necessary to reflect on how to engage more effectively in their creativity and to use the puppet daily to work with children. |