Abstract | Za provedbu istraživanja u ovom diplomskom radu su korišteni su primarni i sekundarni podaci. Sekundarni podaci prikupljeni su iz znanstvenih i stručnih monografija, znanstvenih i stručnih članaka, statističkih ljetopisa te relevantnih internetskih izvora uglavnom iz područja turizma i hotelijerstva. Deskriptivnim metodama sinteze i analize, te usporedbe, prikupljeni podaci su sistematizirani u logičnu cjelinu s ciljem pružanja pregleda dosadašnjih saznanja prvenstveno o trenutnom okviru i stanju turizma i hotelijerstva u Hrvatskoj i Švicarskoj. Hrvatska i Švicarska razlikuju se po prirodnim resursima i samim time očekuje se da razvijaju različite vrste i oblike turizma. S danim pregledom turizma posebno o svakoj državi samo se može potvrditi ova tvrdnja. Razlike se vide već u osnovnim obilježjima zemalja poput toga da je Hrvatska zemlja smještena na moru čije su karakteristike sezonalnost, turistički proizvod „sunce i more“ i turisti koji dolaze u krugu obitelji, dok je Švicarska planinska zemlja koja nema izlaz na more, ali je ipak u turističkom smislu zanimljiva zemlja čije su karakteristike planinski turizam, te nema toliko izraženu sezonalnost kao Hrvatska. Kada govorimo općenito o hotelijerstvu u Hrvatskoj i Švicarskoj ne uočavaju se prevelike razlike u poslovanju, te su razlike više vidljive u tržištima na kojima hoteli posluju, s obzirom na već spomenute razlike u turističkim obilježjima. Zbog sezonalnosti, hoteli u Hrvatskoj nisu objekti koji mogu raditi punim kapacitetima tijekom cijele godine, dok je Švicarska zemlja koja je više posjećena zimi, iako sezonalnost nije toliko izražena kao u Hrvatskoj. Samim time hoteli u Švicarskoj nisu ugostiteljski objekti koji se zatvaraju određeni dio godine zbog smanjenja opsega posla, nego su to objekti koji rade tijekom cijele godine. Fokus ovog diplomskog rada su obiteljski hoteli. Obiteljski hoteli spadaju u obiteljsko poduzetništvo, a njihova karakteristika je da „vlasnici, odnosno njihove obitelji, vode cjelokupno poslovanje. Ograničavajući je razvojni čimbenik u toj vrsti hotela veličina obitelji pa je redovito riječ o manjim objektima.“228 Primarni podaci su prikupljeni korištenjem podsjetnika za intervju kao instrument koji je proveden online u rujnu 2018. godine tako da je poslan na službene e-mail adrese hotela Mediteran u Zadru Hrvatskoj i hotela Ambassador u Luzernu u Švicarskoj. Samim time riječ je o kvalitativnim podacima koji su doveli do odgovora na istraživačko pitanje koje glasi: „Postoji li razlika u upravljanju hotelom između Hrvatske i Švicarske?“. Pitanja u podsjetniku za intervju su postavljena tako da je uprava iz svakog hotela mogla dati informacije o načinu upravljanja tim hotelom, te su se usporedbom tih intervjua mogle odrediti sličnosti i razlike. Kao ograničenje istraživanja u uvodnom dijelu rada navedena je moguća nezainteresiranost ili smanjena zainteresiranost uprave pojedinog hotela za suradnju, a samim time i poteškoće u pronalasku adekvatnog hotela koji će poslužiti kao zamjena za provedbu istraživanja. Kao ograničenje istraživanja može se pretpostaviti i postojanje autoru nepoznatih elemenata koji ova dva hotela čine neusporedivima ili neprihvatljivima u ovoj studiji slučaja. Ograničenje je i to da pojedina pitanja iz online intervjua mogu biti nejasna, a ispitivač ne može objasniti sve detalje koji nisu jasni jer nije prisutan za vrijeme odgovaranja na pitanja. Iz usporedbe odgovora na intervju od strane direktora hotela Mediteran i hotela Ambassador zaključujemo da ne postoje prevelike razlike u poslovanju obiteljskih hotela u Hrvatskoj i Švicarskoj. Oba hotela su naslijeđena, direktori imaju potreban stupanj obrazovanja, te rade na konstantnom usavršavanju kontinuiranim prisustvovanjem konferencijama, sajmovima i seminarima vezanim uz tematiku hotelijerstva i turizma. Raspolažu i podjednakim smještajnim kapacitetom. Hotel Mediteran ima 30 soba, dok hotel Ambassador ima 31 sobu. Lokacije hotela su različite. Hotel Mediteran se nalazi izvan grada, ali lokacija je i dalje dobra s obzirom na blizinu gradskih plaža, a hotel Ambassador se nalazi u centru grada. Direktori su naveli da lokacija ima utjecaj na popunjenost smještajnih kapaciteta. Uprave hotela ne koriste se društvenim mrežama u velikoj mjeri, ali navode da planiraju povećati aktivnost na društvenim mrežama u budućnosti. Koriste više ili manje iste kanale preko kojih primaju rezervacije, s tim da hotel Mediteran ima bolje ocjene na svim stranicama. Direktori na različit način tumače što je bitno za uspješno poslovanje hotela. Prema mišljenju gospodina Ćoze osnovica za uspješno funkcioniranje hotela je edukacija kadra, a kao lošu stranu svog posla naveo je nepredvidivost u poslovanju i time povezanu problematiku u dugoročnom planiranju slobodnih dana i radnog vremena. Dobra strana je dinamika posla i rad s ljudima. Gospodin Zehnder je svoje mišljenje o tome što je bitno za uspješno poslovanje hotela iznio kratkom porukom: „Strast za vaše zanimanje. Radite ono u čemu uživate.“ Ovaj odgovor ustvari predstavlja moto rada da je uživanje u poslu temelj za uspješnost. Hoteli posluju tijekom cijele godine, te postoji razlika u broju gostiju unutar i izvan sezone. Gospodin Ćoza to objašnjava kao nedostatak letova u tom razdoblju, dok gospodin Zehnder smatra da se sezonska odstupanja temelje na potražnji. Hoteli imaju a la carte restorane u kojima nude tipična jela hrvatske i švicarske kuhinje, ali primjećujemo da su potpunije informacije dostupne o restoranu Lapin s obzirom da se može iščitati Menu i ponuda vina na njihovoj web stranici. Od dodatnih sadržaja hotel Mediteran nudi otvoreni bazen, što ponekad može biti presudno pri odluci gosta koji će hotel rezervirati. Što se tiče cijena i cjenovne politike, oba direktora su potvrdila da se prilagođavaju tržišnoj situaciji, te da ne postoji gornja ili donja granica iznad ili ispod koje se ne smije ići. Bitan faktor pri određivanju cijena su naravno i cijene konkurentskih objekata. Prosječni boravak gostiju u hotelu Mediteran je 1,9 dana, a u hotelu Ambassador 1,72 dana, gdje također možemo uočiti sličnost u zadržavanju gostiju u odabranim hotelima. Broj turističkih noćenja u obe države je u padu bez obzira na rast turističkih dolazaka. Dužina turističkog putovanja skraćuje se iz razloga jer ljudi imaju sve manje slobodnog vremena te kraće godišnje odmore koji su raspoređeni tijekom cijele godine. U tim kraćim odmorima ljudi teže posjetiti i vidjeti što više turističkih destinacija i atrakcija, pa se tijekom svog boravka u određenoj turističkoj destinaciji zadržavaju dovoljno tek da bi iskusili najpoznatije atrakcije turističke destinacije. Broj zaposlenika također nije nešto po čemu se hoteli Mediteran i Ambassador razlikuju. Hotel Ambassador i hotel De la Paix zajedno raspolažu smještajnim kapacitetom od 70 soba i zapošljava 50 zaposlenika, dok hotel Mediteran raspolaže s 30 soba i zapošljava 14 zaposlenika. Kada se uzme u obzir broj soba i broj zaposlenika, dolazimo do zaključka da je omjer zaposlenih i broja soba podjednak, odnosno da oba hotela zapošljavaju podjednak broj radnika s obzirom na njihove potrebe. Pri pronalasku zaposlenika oba hotela se služe tehnikama poput intervjuiranja potencijalnih zaposlenika, te imaju određene kriterije koji su im bitni pri zapošljavanju istih. Radnike zapošljavaju tijekom cijele godine, odnosno ne zapošljavaju sezonske radnike. Iz intervjua oba direktora možemo zaključiti da obojica imaju problema s pronalaskom kvalitetne radne snage. Ovo istraživanje nije reprezentativno iz razloga što su intervjuirana samo dva obiteljska hotela, te se njihovo poslovanje ne preslikava nužno na poslovanje svakog obiteljskog hotela u Hrvatskoj ili Švicarskoj. U samom poslovanju odabranih hotela ne postoje značajne razlike. Razlike se više ogledaju u tržištima na kojima hoteli posluju, te turističkim značajkama zemalja. |
Abstract (english) | For the research in this master's thesis were used primary and secondary data. Secondary data were collected from scientific and professional monographs, scientific and professional articles, statistical anniversaries and relevant internet sources mainly from the field of tourism and hotel industry. Descriptive methods of synthesis and analysis, and comparisons, the collected data are systematized into a logical unit with the aim of providing a review of the present knowledge primarily on the current framework and the state of tourism and hotel industry in Croatia and Switzerland. Croatia and Switzerland differ in their natural resources and are expected to develop different types and forms of tourism. With a review of tourism about each country in particular, this claim can only be confirmed. Differences can be seen in the basic features of countries such as the fact that the Croatian country is located on the sea, whose characteristics are seasonality, tourist product "sun and sea" and tourists coming within the family, while Switzerland is a mountain country which has no outlet to the sea, yet in a tourist sense it is an interesting land whose characteristics are mountain tourism, and there is no such expressed seasonality as Croatia. When we talk about hotel industry in general in Croatia and Switzerland, there are not many differences. The differences are more visible in the markets where hotels operate, given the already mentioned differences in tourist features. Due to seasonality, hotels in Croatia are not a facility that can work full capacity throughout the year, while Switzerland is more visited in the winter, although seasonality is not as expressed as in Croatia. Thus, hotels in Switzerland are not being closed for a certain part of the year due to a reduction in the arrivals, but are the ones that work all year round. The focuses of this master’s thesis are family hotels. Family hotels are part of a family business, and their characteristic is that “the owners, or their families, run the whole business. Limiting development factor in this type of hotel is family size so these hotels are usually smaller objects.” 229 The primary data were collected using an interview reminder as an instrument that was conducted online in September 2018. It was sent to the official email addresses of Hotel Mediteran in Zadar Croatia and Hotel Ambassador in Lucerne in Switzerland. These data lead to the answer to the research question: “Is there a difference in the management of a hotel between Croatia and Switzerland?” Interview questions were set so that the management from each hotel could provide information on how they manage the hotel, and by comparing these interviews, similarities and differences could be determined. As a limitation of the research there is possible no interest or reduced interest in the management of the hotels for cooperation, and thus the difficulty of finding an adequate hotel that will serve as a substitute for research. As a limitation of the research, there can also be to the author unknown elements that are incomparable or unacceptable in this case study. The limitation is also that some questions from online interviews may be unclear, and the examiner cannot explain all the details that are not clear because it is not present when answering questions. From the comparison of the responses to the interview by the hotel managers of Hotel Mediteran and Hotel Ambassador we conclude that there are not too many differences in the management of family hotels in Croatia and Switzerland. Both hotels are inherited, directors have the required degree of education, and are working on constant training through continuous attendance at conferences, fairs and seminars related to hotel industry and tourism topics. They also have similar accommodation capacity .Hotel Mediteran has 30 rooms, while Ambassador has 31 rooms. Hotels locations are different. Hotel Mediteran is located outside the city, but the location is still good considering the vicinity of the city's beaches. Hotel Ambassador is located in the city center. The directors stated that the location had an impact on the occupancy of accommodation capacities. The hotel managements do not use social networks to a great extent, but state that they plan to increase activity on social networks in the future. They use more or less of the same channels throughout they receive reservations, with Hotel Mediteran having better ratings on all pages. Directors interpret in different ways what is important for a successful hotel business. According to Mr. Ćoza, the basis for the successful functioning of the hotel is the education of staff, and as a bad side of his job, he mentioned unpredictability in business and related issues in the long-term planning of free time and working hours. The good side is the dynamics of work and working with people. Mr. Zehnder's opinion of what was important to the successful business of the hotel was a brief message: “Passion for your occupation. Do what you enjoy.” 230 This answer is, in fact, represents the motto of work that enjoyment at work is the foundation for success. Hotels operate throughout the all year, and there is a difference in the number of guests inside and outside the season. Mr. Ćoza explains this as a lack of flights in that period, while Mr. Zehnder considers seasonal deviations to be based on demand. The hotels have a la carte restaurants offering typical dishes of Croatian and Swiss cuisine, but we note that more information is available about the Restaurant Lapin as it is possible to read Menu and Wine Offerings on their website. Among the additional facilities Hotel Mediteran offers an outdoor swimming pool, which can sometimes be crucial when guests book a hotel. As far as price and price policy is concerned, both directors have confirmed that they are adjusting to the market situation and that there is no upper or lower limit above or below which one should not go. Naturally, prices of competing objects are of course an important factor in determining the price. The average stay of guests at Hotel Mediteran is 1.9 days, and in Hotel Ambassador 1.72 days, where we can also notice similarity in guests staying in selected hotels. The number of tourist nights in both countries is decreasing, regardless of the growth of tourist arrivals. The length of tourist travel is reduced because of the fact that people have less and less free time and shorter vacations throughout the year. In these shorter holidays, people are eager to visit and see as many tourist destinations and attractions, and they stay in a particular tourist destination just long enough to experience the most famous tourist attractions. The number of employees is also not something that the hotels Mediteran and Ambassador differ. The Hotel Ambassador and the Hotel De la Paix together have 70 rooms and employ 50 employees, while the Hotel Mediteran has 30 rooms and employs 14 employees. When considering the number of rooms and the number of employees, we come to the conclusion that the ratio of employees and the number of rooms is the same, so both hotels employ an equal number of workers in view of their needs. When finding employees, both hotels use techniques such as interviewing potential employees, and have certain criteria that are important to employing them. Employees are employed throughout the all year; they do not hire seasonal workers. From both directors' interviews, we can conclude that both have problems with finding quality workforce. This research is not representative because only two family hotels are interviewed and their business is not necessarily mapped to the business of every family hotel in Croatia or Switzerland. There are no significant differences in the hotel business itself. The differences are more reflected in the markets where hotels operate and the tourist attractions of the countries. |