Abstract | Posljednjih desetljeća sve je veći znanstveni interes za prouĉavanje razliĉitih psiholoških efekata korištenja interneta zbog njegove sve ĉešće upotrebe i povećanja prevalencije problematiĉnog korištenja interneta u svijetu. Povezano s tim, brojna istraţivanja bave se prouĉavanjem straha od propuštanja koji se definira kao neugodan i ponekad izrazito intenzivan osjećaj pojedinca da je sve što njegovi vršnjaci znaju, rade ili posjeduju bolje od njegovog vlastitog. Liĉnost kao relativno trajna i organizirana cjelina utjeĉe na interakcije i adaptaciju pojedinca na okolinu, a takoĊer moţe utjecati i na korištenje interneta i navike pojedinca. Osnovni cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je utvrditi doprinos straha od propuštanja i nekih osobina liĉnosti u objašnjenju problematiĉnog korištenja interneta. Dodatni cilj istraţivanja bio je ispitati povezanost izmeĊu problematiĉnog korištenja interneta, straha od propuštanja, nekih osobina liĉnosti i korištenja društvenih mreţa. Kako bi se odgovorilo na postavljene probleme primijenjene su sljedeće skale: Skale integracije društvenih mreža, Skala generaliziranog problematičnog korištenja interneta 2, Skala straha od propuštanja, Inventar Velikih pet te Inventar narcistične ličnosti. Rezultati ovog istraţivanja pokazali su da je problematiĉno korištenje interneta pozitivno povezano sa strahom od propuštanja, neuroticizmom i korištenjem društvenih mreţa, a negativno s ekstraverzijom. IzmeĊu problematiĉnog korištenja interneta i ugodnosti te narcizma, nisu utvrĊene statistiĉki znaĉajne povezanosti. Nadalje, strah od propuštanja pozitivno je povezan s neuroticizmom i korištenjem društvenih mreţa, a negativno s narcizmom, ekstraverzijom i ugodnosti. Narcizam je pozitivno povezan s korištenjem društvenih mreţa, odnosno osobe s izraţenijom osobinom narcizma emocionalno su povezanije s upotrebom društvenih mreţa i više vremena provode koristeći se istima. TakoĊer, dobiveno je da osobe s izraţenom osobinom neuroticizma ĉešće koriste društvene mreţe. Pozitivnim prediktorom problematiĉnog korištenja interneta pokazao se strah od propuštanja, odnosno osobe s većim strahom od propuštanja imaju više poteškoća u kontroli vremena provedenog na internetu i sliĉno. Suprotno oĉekivanjima, ekstraverzija se nije pokazala znaĉajnim prediktorom problematiĉnog korištenja interneta, a ĉini se kako neuroticizam ima indirektan utjecaj na problematiĉno korištenje interneta. Odnosno, osobina neuroticizma imati će utjecaj na problematiĉno korištenje interneta samo ako je kod osobe izraţen strah od propuštanja. |
Abstract (english) | In the last several decades there has been a growing scientific interest in studying the different psychological effects of internet use due to its ever-growing use and a rise in the prevalence of problematic internet use in the world. Related to that, numerous research deals with the study of the fear of missing out which is defined as an uncomfortable, and at times extremely intense feeling by an individual that everything his peers know, do or possess is better than his own. Personality, as a relatively permanent and organized whole, affects the interactions of an individual with his surroundings, as well as his adaptation to it, and can also influence the individual’s internet use and habits. The main aim of this research was to establish the influence of the fear of missing out and some personality traits on problematic internet use. An additional aim was to examine the relation between problematic internet use, fear of missing out, personality traits and use of social media. To answer the proposed questions, the following scales were used: Social Media Use Integration Scale, Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2, Fear of Missing Out Scale, Big Five Inventory and Narcissistic Personality Inventory. The results of this research show that problematic internet use is positively related to the fear of missing out, neuroticism and the use of social media, and negatively related to extraversion. No statistically significant relation has been established between problematic internet use and agreeableness, as well as narcissism. Further on, the fear of missing out is positively related to neuroticism and social media use, and negatively related to narcissism, extraversion and agreeableness. Narcissism is positively related to social media, that is, people with more expressed trait of narcissism are more emotionally associated with the usage of social networks and spending more time using them. Additionally, the research has shown that people with an expressed trait of neuroticism have a higher tendency to use social media. The fear of missing out has been shown to be a positive predictor of problematic internet use, that is, people with a higher level of fear of missing out have more difficulty controlling the time they spend online. Contrary to expectations, extraversion has not been shown to be a significant predictor of problematic internet use, and it appears that neuroticism has an indirect effect on problematic internet use. That is, neuroticism will have an effect on problematic internet use only if the person has a pronounced fear of missing out. |