Title Predromanika na području od Trogira do Omiša
Title (english) Pre-romanesque period in Split area
Author Antonio Lovrinčević
Mentor Ante Uglešić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Uglešić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Fabijanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Karla Gusar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Medieval Archeology
Abstract Rani srednji vijek Europe obilježen je pojavom predromanike. To je naziv za umjetnost, a njezine karakteristike najbolje se primjećuju na području crkvenog graditeljstva. U Hrvatskoj se u doba predromanike razvija starohrvatska država, stoga nije neobično da se kod nas predromanika naziva i starohrvatska umjetnost. Javlja se od kraja 7. stoljeća pa sve do 11. stoljeća, do pojave romanike, iako se neke predromaničke karakteristike mogu spoznati i u 12. stoljeću. U tom razdoblju dolazi do raznih
... More utjecaja koji se ne primjećuju samo na arhitekturi, već na brojnim arheološkim nalazima. Predromanika se tako razvijala pod jakim utjecajem Bizanta i Franaka. Osim njih, u predromanici se primjećuju i značajke kasnoantičke tradicije. Također je važnu ulogu imala i autohtonost, odnosno domaći majstori i arhitekti koji su sve te utjecaje kombinirali na poseban način. Područje Splita i cijele Dalmacije obiluje arhitektonskim ostacima iz doba predromanike. Radi lakšeg snalaženja među tolikim materijalom, te građevine razvrstane su u određene grupe. Jedna od grupa su crkve nastale adaptiranjem nekog kasnoantičkih objekata, hramova, stambene arhitekture, gospodarskih građevina i sl. Mnoge predromaničke crkve nastale su na prostoru nekadašnjih starokršćanskih objekata. Osim adaptacija, postoji velik broj novoizgrađenih crkava. S obzirom na izgled tlocrta, mogu se podijeliti u crkve centralnog tipa i crkve longitudinalnog tipa. Crkve centralnog tlocrta mogu biti kružnog ili pravokutnog oblika, imaju kupolu, a na izgled im utječe i broj apsida i konhni. Kod crkava longitudinalnog tipa tlocrt je pravokutnog oblika, podijeljen na jedan, dva ili tri broda, a mogu imati jednu ili tri apside. Predromaničke crkve mogu se podijeliti i na temelju perioda u kojem su nastale. Tako se razlikuju predkarolinške, karolinške i postkarolinške crkve. Vrlo važna pojava u predromanici Dalmacije je i westwerk čija je funkcija upitna, kao i njegovo pripisivanje određenim crkvama. Less
Abstract (english) Early middle ages in Europe is characterised by the apperance of the pre-romanique. Pre-romanique is a name for a type of art, and the best examples for its characteristics are found in Church architecture. Pre-romanesque period in Croatia is a time when the Kingdom of Croatia started to form, so it is not unusual to use the name Croatian early middle ages art. Preromanique occurs in from the end of the 7th century, and lasts until the 11th century, when it is replaced by romanesque period.
... More Some of the characteristics of the pre-romanesque art continues in the 12th century. Plenty of different influences occurs in that period and the traces of them can be seen in architecture and numerous archaeological findings. Strongest influences came from Byzantine empire and Carolingian empire. Elements of Roman and Early Christian architecture can also be found in this period. Authenticity, which incluedes local artisans and architects, alos played an important part in forming pre-romanesque art. The area of Split and whole Dalmatia is rich in architectonical remains of preromanesque period. Special typology was made for organizing these buildings in appropriate groups. Buildings from the Roman and Early Crhistian period, which were continued to be used in pre-romanesque period, can be assigned to the first group. Contrary to them, there are plenty churches which were newly builded in pre-romaneske period. Considering their layout, they can be divided in two grups, churches of the longitudinal type and churches of the central type. Churches of the central type can have circural or rectangular layout. They also have a dome above central area of the chruch and they can have different number of conchas and apses. Churches of the longitudinal type have rectangular layout, with one, two or three naves and one or three apses. Pre-romanesque churches can be grouped according to the period in which they were build. In this group there are three types of churches, churches of pre-carolingian, carolingian and post-carolingian period. In pre-romanesque period of Dalmatia the occurance of westwerk has a great importance, but its function and attribution to some churches of Dalmatia is not completely clear yet. Less
starohrvatska umjetnost
longitudinalni tip
centralni tip
Keywords (english)
Croatian early middleage art
longitudinal type
central type
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:999238
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-10-30 12:27:05