Abstract | Ovaj rad objašnjava uzroke koji su doveli do raspada nekoć moćne i snažne Austro-Ugarske Monarhije te posljedice koje se očituju u stvaranju novih država, a jedna od njih je i Država Slovenaca, Hrvata i Srba. Jugoslavenska ideja je od početka
20. stoljeća sve više dobivala na važnosti i postajala „popularnija“ među hrvatskim političarima, ponajprije zbog teških uvjeta i svakodnevnog nadiranja mađarizacije i germanizacije. Autor donosi ključne čimbenike, od 1903. godine do 1918. godine, sudbonosne za ovu tematiku, ali je fokus ipak usmjeren na razdoblje Prvog svjetskog rata, odnosno od 1914. godine do 1918. godine. U tom periodu se mogu promatrati sve uzročno-posljedične veze koje su dovele do nepovoljnih okolnosti u kojima se našla Austro-Ugarska Monarhija i što je ona, iz dana u dan, bivala u sve težem stanju, to je južnoslavenski pokret dobivao veći zamah. Jugoslavenski odbor, koji je trebao predstavljati Južne Slavene iz Monarhije, nije uspio u svom naumu na europskoj sceni, stoga se političari u hrvatskim zemljama udružuju i rade na stvaranju nove države. Prvotno su 19. listopada, nakon što je pristao vođa vodeće stranke Hrvatsko-srpske koalicije Svetozar Pribićević, osnovali Narodno vijeće Slovenaca, Hrvata i Srba kao vrhovno tijelo u donošenju svih odluka. Potom su, na sjednici Sabora 29. listopada, konačno donijeli odluku o razrješenju svih veza Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije s Ugarskom i Austrijom te je tim činom osnovana nova Država SHS. Zbog izrazitog teške situacije i nepovoljnog međunarodnog položaja, ta novostvorena Država SHS je imala samo provizorni karakter te se, pod utjecajem Pribićevića, ujedinila s Kraljevinom Srbijom u Kraljevstvo Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca gdje je Hrvatska izgubila svoj
tisućljetni povijesni kontinuitet i državnost. |
Abstract (english) | This paper elaborates on the causes that led to the collapse of once powerful Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the consequences that emerged in the creation of new states, one of them being the state of State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Yugoslav idea has gained more importance and became “more popular” among Croatian politicians, primarily because of the difficult conditions they lived in and the Hungarianization and Germanization that was becoming stronger and stronger. The author is presenting key factors, form 1903 until 1918, which are of a crucial importance for this subject. However, the focus is mainly on the period of First World War, that is, on the time span between years 1914 and 1918. During this period, all the causal links that led to the unfavourable circumstances
in which the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy had found itself can be addressed. As the Monarchy was getting in a more difficult state with every passing day, the South Slav movement was getting stronger. The Yugoslav Committee, which was supposed to represent the South Slavs of the Monarchy, failed in its plan on the European scene, the politicians in Croatian countries were uniting and working to create a new state. Originally, on October 19, after the leader of the leading Croatian-Serbian coalition Svetozar Pribićević agreed, the National Council of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs was established as the supreme body for making all decisions. At the session of the Parliament on October 29, they finally decided to break all strings between Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia with Hungary and Austria, and the new State of SHS was founded. Due to the extremely difficult situation and unfavourable international position, this newly established SHS State had only a provisional character, and, under the influence of Pribicevic, united with the Kingdom of Serbia into the Kingdom of 113
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, where Croatia lost its millennial historical continuity and statehood. |