Title Uloga ICT tehnologije u ostvarivanju tržišne konkurentnosti
Title (english) The role of ICT in achieving market competitiveness
Author Neven Radonić
Mentor Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (mentor)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mili Razović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Abstract Jedan od temeljnih ciljeva rada bio je ispitivanje utjecaja informacijskih tehnologija na poslovanja tvrtki u turizmu, ali i u sustavu bankarstva i tvrtki u drugim poslovnim sferama. Zbog čestih promjena u poslovanjima i strukturama poduzeća u moderno vrijeme, sve intenzivnijih konkurenata, sve zahtjevnijih klijenata, informacijske tehnologije imaju sve više strateškog utjecaja na poslovanje tvrtki. Poduzeća ulažu u razvitak i napredak svojih tehnoloških poslovnih rješenja da bi se informacije
... More što brže prenosile između menadžmenta i zaposlenika, ali i između poduzeća i davatelja usluga i klijenata. U prvom dijelu rada govori se o nastanku i razvitku informacijske tehnologije, čiji se razvoj dijeli na dvije faze: faza između 1970.-ih godina i 1990.-ih godina, i faza od 1990.-ih godina do danas. Obraća se pozornost na povezanost informacijskih tehnologija i konkurentnosti, do koje dolazi modernizacijom opreme, inovativnim pristupom i primjeni moderne tehnologije. Rad se dotiče i informacijske „nove“ ekonomije koja se kao pojam, ali i praksa, sve više počinje koristiti u suvremenom dobu poslovanja. Pred kraj u radu će se pozornost dati i implementaciji i upotrebi informacijskih tehnologija u bankarstvu, te koji strateški aspekti korištenja ICT-a jačaju konkurentnost na tržištu i poslovanje u bankarstvu. Istraživačka pitanja koja se nalaze pred praktičnim dijelom u radu daju nam sažete i konkretne odgovore o implementaciji informacijske tehnologije, kako implementacija informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija utječe na ostvarivanje konkurentske prednosti tvrtki u Republici Hrvatskoj, te što možemo podrazumijevati pod terminom informacijska tehnologija. U drugom, praktičnom dijelu rada, provedeno je primarno istraživanje, a predstavljeni su problem istraživanja, predmet istraživanja, ciljevi istraživanja, istraživačka pitanja, metodologija istraživanja i ograničenja istraživanja. Na kraju je provodena analiza rezultata istraživanja i formirana SWOT analiza. Less
Abstract (english) One of the core goals of this thesis was to examine the effect of information technology on the management of the companies in tourism, but also in banking systems and companies in different business spheres. Because of the constant changes in business and company structures in modern times, more and more intensified concurrency, demanding clients, information technologies have more and more strategic effect on company management. Companies invest in research and development of their business
... More solutions so that the information between management and employees, as well as between companies and service providers and clients, could transfer as fast as possible. In the first part of thesis we speak of occurrence and development of information technology, whose development is happening in two phases: phase between 1970-s and 1990s, and phase since 1990-s till today. Attention is paid on connection between information technologies and concurrency, which happens with modernization of equipment, with more innovative approach and application of modern technology. Thesis also explains information „new“ economy, which as term, but also praxis, starts to appear more and more in modern age of business. Also, near the end, in the thesis is given attention to implementation and use of information technologies in banking, and which strategic aspects of ICT usage are fortifying concurrency on the market and in banking business. Research questions that are found just before the practical part in the thesis are giving us summed and concrete answers about implementation of information technology, how implementation of information and communication technologies are affecting the gain of competitive advantage of firms in Republic of Croatia, and what can we imply under the term information technology. In the second, practical part of the thesis, the primary research was conducted, with introduction of research problem, research subject, research goals, research questions, research methodology and limitations of research. In the end, there is result analysis of a research and formed SWOT analysis. Less
ICT tehnologija
Keywords (english)
ICT tehnology
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:763288
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-09-17 10:48:57