Title Impulzivna potrošnja prilikom odabira turističkog aranžmana
Title (english) Impulsive purchase while choosing a travel package
Author Lovre Franov
Mentor Božena Krce Miočić (mentor)
Committee member Vlado Sušac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Početkom dvadesetog stoljeća razvile su se dvije revolucionarne škole s ciljem objašnjavanja ponašanja pojedinaca – psihoanaliza i biheviorizam. Nedugo nakon prepoznati su komercijalni potencijali novih saznanja s područja psihologije. Ponašanje potrošača može se promatrati u dva različita, potpuno suprotna koncepta – potrošač kao rješavatelj problema te potrošač u potrazi za zadovoljstvom. Na samom početku kupačeve odluke su se promatrale kao potpuno racionalne, zanemarujući brojne faktore
... More koji utječu na kupca tijekom procesa donošenja odluke o kupnji. Kako osobe nisu u mogućnosti u potpunosti ''izvagati'' pozitivne i negativne posljedice svake kupnje te uvidjeti komplicirane međuovisnosti svake kupnje, za neke se odlučuju potpuno spontano, gotovo bez ikakvog procesa obrade informacija prije same odluke o kupnji. Turistički proizvod je izrazito kompleksan pojam koji se sastoji od velikog broja međusobno povezanih usluga i/ili proizvoda. S obzirom na svoju kompleksnost često se kupuje preko posrednika – turističkih agencija i turoperatora. Turistički proizvod je često objekt upadljive potrošnje, a turisti su često vođeni mišljenju drugih prilikom donošenja odluke o putovanju. Razvoj modernih informacijskih tehnologija doprinio je smanjenju vremena za donošenje odluka o putovanju, a brojne last minute ponude omogućile su velike uštede za one najbrže. Donošenje odluke o putovanju u trenutku, što last minute ponude zahtijevaju od potrošača, savršene su za impulzivne potrošače. U svrhu opuštanja i razonode hedonistička impulzivna potrošnja je često zastupljena tijekom boravka u destinaciji. Primarno istraživanje je pokazalo nepostojanje povezanosti između dobne skupine i vremena potrebnog za planiranje putovanja te dobne skupine i važnosti određenih faktora značajnih za odabir turističke destinacije. Ispitani uzorak od 165 ispitanika pokazao je određenu tendenciju impulzivnoj potrošnji prema rezultatima na Rook i Fisherovoj skali impulzivnosti. Less
Abstract (english) At the beginning of the twentieth century two school of thought were developed in order to give satisfactory exploitation on subjects about human behaviour – psychoanalysis and behaviourism. A potential commercial gain gave a swift boost in funding of research about human behaviour, most notably the part of it concerning purchasing behaviour. In a sense, a consumer behaviour can be viewed in two ways – consumer as a problem solver and a consumer in search of pleasure. At start, consumer
... More behaviour was regarded as fully rational, ignoring many factors that have influence on consumer decision making process, both before and during. Since it is next to impossible for a person to take into the consideration all of the positive and negative sides of each purchase he or she makes, some people tend to make purchasing decision completely spontaneously, without any decision-making process or regard for future consequences.Tourist products, packages etc, are extremely complex since they are often compiled of many smaller products or servers. Due to this complexity, they are often bought with the help of a proxy agent – in most cases a tourist agency or a tour operator. In some cases, tourists are led by the opinions of other people, when deciding on their vacation choices. Rapid development of information technologies heavily reduced time needed to make a proper decision about traveling destination. This new technology opened numerous possibilities for last minute offers, which are ideal for impulsive consumer, since they require, and encourage even, prompt impulsive buying decisions. A pleasure seeking, impulsive, hedonistic consumer behaviour is often present during one’s vacation. Primary research showed no correlation between variables such as age group and time needed for travel planning, as well as no correlation between age group and the importance of certain factors relevant to the choice of travel destination. The sample tested, size 165, showed a certain impulsive tendency according to the results on Rook and Fisher's impulsivity scale. Less
ponašanje potrošača
impulzivna potrošnja
last minute ponude
turistička potražnja
proces donošenja odluke o kupnji
Keywords (english)
consumer behaviour
impulsive purchase
last minute offers
tourist demand
purchase decision - making process
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:676101
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-01-16 12:58:56