Title Heimat - und Fremdbilder in Melinda Nadj Abonjis Roman "Tauben fliegen auf" und Irena Brežnas Roman "Die undankbare Fremde"
Title (english) Home and the foreign country in the novel „Tauben fliegen auf“ by Melinda Nadj Abonji and the novel „Die undankbare Fremde“ by Irena Brežná
Title (croatian) Domovina i tuđina u romanima „Tauben fliegen auf“ Melinde Nadj Abonji i „Die undankbare Fremde“ Irene Brežne
Author Nada Marjanović
Mentor Marijana Jeleč (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Jeleč (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavija Kabić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Lovrić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-10-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology German Studies
Abstract Diese Diplomarbeit ist eine literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse der Romane Tauben fliegen auf (2010) der ungarisch-schweizerischen Autorin Melinda Nadj Abonji und Die undankbare Fremde (2012) der slowakisch-schweizerischen Autorin Irena Brežná. Beide Autorinnen leben in der Schweiz und schreiben über Migrationserfahrungen. Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Darstellung des Verhältnisses zur Heimat und Fremde aus der Perspektive der Protagonistinnen, die gezwungen sind, ihre Heimat zu verlassen und ihre Identität in der Fremde zu konstruieren. Obwohl beide Autorinnen das gleiche Schicksal teilen, unterscheiden sie sich im Schreiben und Erzählen. Beide Werke sind durch verschiedene Aspekte gekennzeichnet, die eng mit den Themen wie Migration, Integration, Kultur, Sprache, Herkunft, Identitätssuche und Erinnerungen verbunden sind. Durch diese Arbeit wird ersichtlich, mit welchen Sorgen und Problemen Migranten zu kämpfen haben, aber auch, dass eine Aussöhnung mit dem Zufluchtsland möglich ist. Ein für die Identitätsbildung relevanter Faktor ist sicherlich der bestehende Kontakt zur Heimat und der Familie, aber auch das Akzeptieren der neuen Kultur. Migration ist ein gesellschaftliches Phänomen. Menschen verlassen ihren bisherigen Heimatort aus politischen, ökonomischen oder persönlichen Gründen, um eine neue Existenz für sich und die Familie in der Fremde aufzubauen. Das deutschsprachige Gebiet ist seit langer Zeit ein beliebtes Zuwanderungsgebiet, das Flüchtlingen Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft gibt. Infolge massenhafter Migrationen sind auch viele neue Autoren hervorgekommen, die mittlerweile zu bedeutenden Schriftstellern avanciert sind und im Rahmen der interkulturellen Literatur im deutschsprachigen Raum einen bedeutenden Beitrag leisten. Melinda Nadj Abonji und Irena Brežná verwenden die deutsche Sprache und zeigen, dass sievon zwei Kulturen und zwei Sprachen geprägte sind.
Abstract (english) This thesis is set out to explore the novel Tauben fliegen auf (2012) by the Hungarian- Swiss writer Melinda Nadj Abonji and the novel Die undankbare Fremde (2012) by the Slovakian-Swiss writer Irena Brežná. Both writers moved to Switzerland some time ago and they have been living there for a while. They both write in German and deal with two different cultures. For this reason their novels can be categorized as intercultural literature of German-speaking countries. The thesis identifies the main features of this type of literature with emphasis on Swiss intercultural literature. The aim of this thesis is to describe the relationship between the homeland and the foreign country from the perspective of the novels' protagonists who were forced to leave their native country and come into a foreign country where they will continue to construct their identities. Although the writers share a similar destiny, they differ from each other by their story telling and writing styles. Both novels are covered through certain aspects that are tightly tied to intercultural literature topics such as migration, integration, culture, language, origin, search for identity and memories. This thesis helps depict the worries and problems most migrants meet on their path, but it also helps realize that reconciliation with the foreign country is still possible. The existing contact with the homeland and family, as well as the acceptance of another culture, are decisive factors in the process of building an identity. Migration is a sociological phenomenon. People leave their homeland because of political, economical or personal reasons and try to build a new life for themselves and their families in a foreign land. German-speaking areas have been immigrants' favorite destinations for some time, giving them hope for a better future. These mass migrations helped to identify a lot of new writers that contributed to the intercultural literature in the German-speaking area. Melinda Nadj Abonji and Irena Brežná use the German language and show their bilingual and multicultural perception of the experience of migration during their integration process.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj diplomski rad je znanstveno-književna analiza romana Tauben fliegen auf (2010) mađarsko-švicarske autorice Melinde Nadj Abonji i romana Die undankbare Fremde (2012) slovačko-švicarske autorice Irene Brežne. Obje autorice doseljenice su u Švicarsku gdje već dugo žive, pišu o iskustvima migracije i predstavnice su interkulturalne književnosti u Švicarskoj. U radu su prikazane glavne značajke te književnosti s naglaskom na švicarsku interkulturnu književnost s obzirom da su obje autorice doseljenice u Švicarsku. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati odnos prema domovini i tuđini iz perspektive protagonistica romana koje su bile prisiljene napustiti svoju domovinu i doći u tuđinu gdje počinju graditi novi identitet. Iako autorice dijele sličnu sudbinu razlikuju se po načinu pisanja i pripovjedanja. Oba djela su analizirana kroz određene aspekte koji su usko vezani za teme interkulturne književnosti poput migracije, integracije, kulture, jezika, porijekla, potrage za identitetom i sjećanja. Kroz ovaj rad je vidljivo s kojim se brigama i problemima susreću mnogi migranti, ali da je i pomirba sa stranom zemljom ipak moguća. Jedan od odlučujućih faktora u procesu izgradnje identiteta je svakako kontakt s domovinom i obitelji, kao i prihvaćanje druge kulture. Migracija je društveni fenomen. Ljudi zbog političkih, ekonomskih ili osobnih razloga napuštaju svoju domovinu kako bi sebi i svojoj obitelji u stranoj zemlji izgradili novu egzistenciju. Njemačko govorno područje je već duže vremena omiljeno doseljeničko područje koje izbjeglicama daje nadu za bolju budućnost. Tijekom tih masovnih migracija javlja se jedan znatan broj autora koji pišu na njemačkom jeziku i koji su interkulturalnoj književnosti u njemačkom govornom području dali značajan doprinos. Svojim dijelima koji su pisani na njemačkom jeziku pokazuju svoju dvojezičnu i višekulturralnu percepciju o iskustvima migracije tijekom procesa integracije.
interkulturelle Literatur
Melinda Nadj Abonji
Irena Brežná
Keywords (english)
foreign country
intercultural literature
Melinda Nadj Abonji
Irena Brežná
Keywords (croatian)
interkulturalna literatura
Melinda Nadj Abonji
Irena Brežná
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:671018
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-12-28 11:01:08