Abstract | Balet je oblik umjetnosti kojim se plesnim pokretima praćenim glazbom, svjetlom i kostimima nastoji prepričati neka priča, odnosno prenijeti misli i osjećaji na publiku (Guidetti, Emerenziani, Gallotta, da Silva i Baldari, 2008). O baletnim plesačima i plesačicama ne zna se puno, što nerijetko dovodi do pojave stereotipa o njihovim osobinama i načinu života. Osim toga, njihovo zanimanje karakterizira usavršavanje koraka koje prati jedna, još uvijek nedovoljno istražena, osobina – perfekcionizam. S obzirom da su stereotipi i perfekcionizam povezani s različitim aspektima života baletnih plesača, svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ispitati ulogu izloženosti i opterećenosti stereotipima te perfekcionizma u objašnjenju samopoštovanja i subjektivne dobrobiti baletnih plesača i plesačica. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 83 ispitanika (58 balerina te 25 baletana) koji su ispunjavali: Upitnik općih podataka o ispitaniku, Skalu izloženosti stereotipima o baletnim plesačima i plesačicama te Skalu opterećenosti stereotipima o baletnim plesačima i plesačicama (konstruirane u predistraživanju), Rosenbergovu skalu samopoštovanja (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale - RSES; Rosenberg, 1965), Ljestvicu pozitivnog i negativnog perfekcionizma (Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale - PNPS; Terry-Short, Owens, Slade i Dewey, 1995), Skalu zadovoljstva životom (Satisfaction with Life Scale - SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larsen i Griffin, 1985), Skalu pozitivnih i negativnih iskustava (Scale of Positive and Negative Experience - SPANE; Diener, Oishi i Lucas, 2009) te Skalu prosperiteta (Flourishing Scale - FS; Diener i sur., 2009). Rezultati su pokazali da su plesači i plesačice najviše izloženi stereotipima o konstantnom vježbanju, ljepoti njihovog zanimanja, maloj zaradi te homoseksualnoj orijentaciji plesača, dok ih najviše opterećuju mišljenja drugih o nedovoljnoj zaradi, neprestanom vježbanju i ne baš pozitivnoj budućnosti. Također, utvrđeno je sljedeće: pozitivni i negativni perfekcionizam značajni su prediktori samopoštovanja (prvi je pozitivnog, drugi negativnog predznaka), samopoštovanje je značajan prediktor zadovoljstva životom, dok su samopoštovanje i pozitivni perfekcionizam značajni prediktori prosperiteta. |
Abstract (english) | Ballet is a form of art that attempts to discern a story or convey thoughts and feelings to an audience (Guidetti, Emerenziani, Gallotta, da Silva & Baldari, 2008). People do not know much about ballet dancers, which often leads to stereotypes about their characteristics and lifestyle. Additionally, their profession is characterized by the improvement of steps which is followed by perfectionism; a still insufficiently investigated feature. Given that stereotypes and perfectionism are related to different aspects of a dancer's life, the purpose of this research was to examine the role of exposure and load of stereotypes and perfectionism in explaining selfesteem and the subjective well-being of ballet dancers. The study included 83 respondents (58 female and 25 male ballet dancers) who completed: The Questionnaire on general respondent dana, Stereotype Exposure Scale for ballet dancers, Burden of Stereotypes Scale about ballet dancers (collected during the study), Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965), Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale (PNPS; Terry–Short, Owens, Slade & Dewey, 1995), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985), Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE; Diener, Oishi & Lucas, 2009) and Flourishing Scale (FS; Diener et al., 2009). The results showed that both female and male dancers are most exposed to stereotypes about constant exercise, the beauty of their profession, their low earnings, and the homosexual orientation of male dancers, while the most burdensome stereotype is the general opinion of insufficient earnings, continuous training, and miserable future. Additional findings included: positive and negative perfectionism are significant predictors of self-esteem (the first a positive, the second a negative sign predictor), self-esteem is a significant predictor of life satisfaction, while self-esteem and positive perfectionism are significant predictors of prosperity. |