Title Fitónimos populares en castellano, gallego y croata
Title (croatian) Pučki fitonimi u španjolskom, galješkom i hrvatskom
Title (english) Folk phytonyms in Spanish, Galician and Croatian
Author Sabina Eškinja
Mentor Ivana Lončar (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Vuletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stijepo Stjepović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Iberoromance Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-10-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Romance Studies
Abstract El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar en breve los nombres populares de las plantas en tres lenguas: castellano, gallego y croata. El corpus del presente trabajo consiste en más de 130 plantas y está elaborado de nombres de plantas mencionadas en el libro Herba moura de la escritora gallega, Teresa Moure. Como sería demasiado extenso incluir todas, el corpus definitivo de este trabajo se reduce en hierbas medicinales, mientras que se omiten las culturas agrícolas, árboles frutales, cereales y plantas industriales, con lo que el corpus definitivo de la presente investigación consta de 79 fitónimos. Tratamos de ofrecer una breve etimología (si es conocida) y encontrar las semejanzas o diferentes motivaciones en las denominaciones que están presentes en cada lengua. Cada fitónimo es resultado de muchos factores extralingüísticos y un reflejo de la sociedad donde crecen las plantas que presentan. Aunque bastante distintos en cada lengua, hemos notado que los nombres de las plantas muestran algunas características comunes en todas las lenguas estudiadas. Independiente de la lengua, los seres humanos dan los nombres a las plantas por características que tienen esas plantas: en primer lugar, un gran número de plantas recibe el nombre por una peculiaridad que se nota de su aspecto físico, hábitat donde crece o tiempo cuando florece. Por otro lado, muy a menudo el nombre de la planta alude a la propiedad medicinal que posee una planta, o al menos se cree que posee. Este trabajo, igual que otros trabajos etnotaxonímicos y fitonímicos, muestra que las taxonomias pertenecientes a lenguas completamente distintas, sin embargo siguen los mismos procedimientos denominales y motivaciones comunes. Nuevas denominaciones casi nunca aparecen de manera completamente libre y arbitraria, sobre todo cuando hablamos de nombres de las plantas.
Abstract (croatian) Cilj je ovog rada kratka usporedba pučkih naziva biljaka na tri jezika: španjolskom, galješkom i hrvatskom. Korpus se sastoji od preko 130 biljaka koje se spominju u knjizi Herba moura galješke spisateljice, Terese Moura. Budući da bi bilo preopširno obuhvatiti sve biljke, konačni korpus se bazira samo na ljekovitim biljkama, izostavljajući ratarske kulture, drveće jestivih plodova, žitarice i industrijsko bilje, što svodi ovo istraživanje na konačni korpus od 79 biljaka. U radu smo pokušali prikazati kratku etimologiju (ako nam je poznata) i pronaći sličnosti ili razlike u motiviranosti naziva koji su prisutni u svakom od spomenutih jezika. Svaki fitonim rezultat je brojnih izvanjezičnih utjecaja i odraz društva u kojem rastu biljke koje predstavljaju. Iako vrlo različiti u svakom jeziku, primijetili smo da nazivi biljaka imaju određene karakteristike koje su zajedničke u sva tri jezika. Neovisno o jeziku, ljudi daju nazive biljkama uočavajući njene karakteristike: prije svega, velik broj biljaka dobije ime po specifičnosti u njenom izgledu, staništu u kojem raste ili dobu godine kada cvijeta. S druge strane, naziv biljke vrlo često upućuje na ljekovito svojstvo koje posjeduje, ili barem vjerovanje da ga posjeduje. Ovaj rad, kao i drugi s područja etnofitonimije i fitonimije, pokazuje da taksonomije koje pripadaju potpuno različitim jezicima, ipak slijede određene denominacijske postupke i određene motivacije koje su zajedničke svim jezicima. Novi nazivi, gotovo nikad ne nastaju u potpunosti slobodno i arbitrarno, osobito kada govorimo o nazivima biljaka.
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to analyse and compare the folk names of plants in three languages: Spanish, Galician and Croatian. The corpus consists of over 130 plants mentioned in the novel Herba moura galhette written by Terese Moura. Since the analysis of the complete corpus would greatly exceed the scope of this paper, the final corpus is only based on medicinal plants, leaving out crops, trees, edible fruits, grains and industrial crops, which reduces the study of the final corpus to 79 plants. In the paper we have tried to present a short etymology (if known) and find similarities or differences in the motivation of the names that occur in each of the mentioned languages. Each phytonym is the result of many extralinguistic influences and the reflection of the society in which the plant represented by a phytonm grows. Although very different in each language, we have noticed that names of plants have certain characteristics in common in all three languages. Regardless of language, people give names to plants by noting their characteristics: first of all, a large number of plants are named according to their specific appearance, the habitat in which they grow, or according to their season of blossom. On the other hand, the name of a plant often refers to its currative property, or at least it is believed so. This paper, as well as other papers in the field of ethnophytonymy and phytonymy, shows that taxonomies belonging to completely different languages still follow certain denominational procedures and certain motivations that are common to all languages. New names are almost never completely free and arbitrary, especially when talking about plant names.
fitónimos populares
Keywords (croatian)
pučki nazivi biljaka
Keywords (english)
folk phytonyms
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:147367
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-12-06 12:49:46