Title Zionismus und Antisemitismus in Hermann Bahrs Roman "Die Rotte Korahs"
Title (croatian) Cionizam i antisemitizam u romanu Hermanna Bahra "Die Rotte Korahs"
Title (english) Zionism and antisemitism in Hermann Bahrs Novel "Die Rotte Korahs"
Author Stipe Mađor-Božinović
Mentor Tomislav Zelić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Zelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zaneta Sambunjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavić Pintarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-11-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology German Studies
Abstract Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse von Zionismus und Antisemitismus in Hermann Bahrs Roman "Die Rotte Korahs". Die Elemente der zionistischen Ideologie, Theologie und Geschichte werden durch die Interpretation des Zionisten Dr. Beer bearbeitet. Im Gespräch mit der Hauptfigur, Ferdinand Držić, bringt Dr. Beer verschiedene Elemente der zionistischen Bewegung hervor, wie zum Beispiel theologische Elemente durch das Idiom Epikores, historische durch die Erwähnung der Kalviner, der Urväter des christlichen Zionismus, und Andere. Hermann Bahrs Stellungnahme gegenüber den Antisemitismus wird durch die Gespräche von Ferdinand Držić mit Franz Heitlinger, Dr. Beer und anderen Figuren gegeben. Dabei werden die verschiedenen Typen des Antisemitismus im Roman analysiert. Schließlich wird Bahrs Rezeption des Zionismus analysiert. Die Gründe für seine Unterstützung der zionistischen Idee in Herzls Zeit werden gegeben, worauf der Versuch folgt, die Wende in seiner Besinung in Bezug auf den Zionismus, zu erklären. Die erwähnten Elemente und Zusammenhänge werden analysiert um die Hauptthese der Diplomarbeit zu beweisen: Hermann Bahrs Sinneswandel in Bezug auf den Zionismus ist nach Herzls Tod geschehen, infolge der neuen Erkenntnise Bahrs über den Zionismus, die er im Roman auf eine direkte oder indirekte Weise hervorbringt.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se analizom cionizma i antisemitizma u romanu Hermanna Bahra "Die Rotte Korahs". Elementi cionističke ideologije, teologije i povijesti razrađeni su kroz interpretaciju cionista doktora Beera. U razgovorima s glavnim likom, Ferdinandom Držićem, doktor Beer iznosi različite elemente cionističkog pokreta, kao na primjer teološke elemente kroz idiom epikores, povijesne kroz spomen kalvinista, praotaca kršćanskog cionizma, i druge. Stav Hermanna Bahra o antisemitizmu iznesen je kroz razgovore Ferdinanda Držića s Franzom Heitlingerom, doktorom Beerom i drugim likovima. Pritom se analiziraju različiti oblici antisemitizma koji se u romanu pojavljuju. Naposljetku se analizira Bahrova recepcija cionizma. Dani su razlozi za njegovo podupiranje cionističke ideje u Herzlovo vrijeme, nakon čega slijedi pokušaj objašnjenja promjene njegovog stava o cionizmu. Spomenuti elementi i odnosi se analiziraju u svrhu dokazivanja glavne hipoteze rada: Bahrova promjena mišljenja o cionizmu dogodila se nakon Herzlove smrti, zbog novog znanja o cionizmu koje je stekao, a dio kojeg je direktno ili indirektno iznio u romanu.
Abstract (english) This graduation thesis handles zionism and antisemitism in Hermann Bahrs novel "Die Rotte Korahs". The elements of the zionist ideology, theology and history are elaborated through the interpretation of the zionist Dr. Beer. He brings out the various elements of the zionist movement through his conversations with the main character Ferdinand Držić, for example theological elements through the idiom epikores, historical elements through the mention of the Calvinists, the forfathers of christian zionism, and others. Hermann Bahrs attitude towards antisemitism is brought forth through the conversations Ferdinand Držić had with Franz Heitlinger, Dr. Beer and other characters. The various types of antisemitism that appear in the novel are analysed through those conversations. Bahrs reception of zionism is analysed in the last part of the thesis. The reasons for his siding with the zionist idea in Herzls time are given, after which the attempt is made to explain Bahrs change of heart towards zionism. The before mentioned elements and interrelations are analysed in order to prove the main hypothesis of the thesis: Hermann Bahrs attitude change towards zionism happened after Herzls death, because of the new knowledge about zionism that Bahr gained, a part of which he, directly or indirectly, put forth in the novel.
Dr. Beer
Keywords (croatian)
Dr. Beer
Keywords (english)
Dr. Beer
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:395824
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-12-06 12:40:33