Title Der Einfluss des literarischen Expressionismus auf den deutschen Film der Zwischenkriegszeit
Title (english) The impact of literary expressionism on the German film in the interwar period
Title (croatian) Utjecaj književnog ekspresionizma na njemački film u međuratnom razdoblju
Author Ivo Jurleta
Mentor Tomislav Zelić (mentor)
Committee member Zaneta Sambunjak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Zelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Pavić Pintarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology German Studies
Abstract Der Zeitraum des Expressionismus im deutschen Film ist ein sehr wichtiger Bestandteil der Geschichte des deutschen Films, in dem er sich rasch entwickelte und internationalen Ruhm erreichte sowie neue Standards in der Welt des Kinos einführte, die den Weg für neue Techniken im Film setzten und zur Entwicklung und Popularisierung von neuen Genres im Film führten. Die Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg förderte besonders den Einfluss des Expressionismus auf die Entwicklung des deutschen Films, denn die Bevölkerung hat im Krieg gegen die heftigen Rivalen eine Niederlage erlitten und alle Schuldzuwürfe fielen auf das deutsche Volk, das als Feind der Freiheit und des freien Denkens anklagt wurde.Im Geiste dieser Niederlage ist die Schuld in den Menschen gewachsen, die in düsteren Filmen, vezerrten Hintergründen, den düsteren Ton, Schattenspielen und in der dunklen Atmosphäre zur Entstehung von Horrorführten, als neuen Genre in der Welt der Filme, der besonders in den amerikanischen Filmen nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg noch populärer werden. Ausgehend vom ersten realen „plot twist“ im Meisterwerk von Robert Wiene Das Kabinett von Dr. Caligari, über dem ersten wahren Vampirfilm Nosferatu,bis zu den Filmen von Filmgenie Fritz Lang und seinen Werken Metropolis und M, ließ der deutsche Film in der Zwischenkriegszeit niemanden gleichgültig und wird daher zu Recht als ein wichtiger Teil der europäischen sowie Weltgeschichte betrachtet.Der frühe expressionistische Film Von morgens bis mitternachts wird als Vergleich all dieser Filme dienen und einen Bezugspunkt für die Analyse derselben darstellen.
Abstract (english) The period of Expressionism in German film is a very important part of the history of German film in which he developed and reached international fame, setting new standards in world cinema that shaped the way of new film technique and led to the development and popularization of new genres in the film. The period after the First World War was particularly convenient for the influence of expressionism in the development of German film, since the population had suffered a defeat in the war against fierce rivals and all the blame fell on the German people, who were marked as an enemy of freedom and free thinking. In the spirit of this defeat, guilt has grown in people, and it started to transfer on their films as well. Their distorted background, gloomy tone, play with shadows and the dark atmosphere led to the development of horror, as a new genre in the world of films, which will become even more popular in American films after the second World war. Starting from the first real plot-twist in the masterpiece of Robert Wiene The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, up to the first true vampire film Nosferatu, until the films of the film making genius Fritz Lang and his works Metropolis and M, the German film interwar period left no one indifferent. Thus, the German film between the two world wars is considered an important part of European and world history. The early expressionist film Von morgens bis mitternachts will serve as a comparison of all these films and will represent a reference point for analysis of the same.
Abstract (croatian) Razdoblje ekspresionizma u njemačkom filmu danas predstavlja jako bitan dio povijesti njemačkog filma u kojem se on razvio te dosegao svjetsku slavu, postavljajući nove standarde u filmu koji su oblikovali način uporabe novih fimskih tehnika te doveli do razvoja i populariziranja novih žanrova u području filma. Razdoblje nakon prvog svjetskog rata je osobito bilo pogodno na utjecaj ekspresionizma na razvoj njemačkog filma, budući da je stanovništvo pretrpjelo poraz u ratu protiv ljutih rivala te je sva krivica pala na njemački narod, koji je označen kao neprijatelj slobode i slobodnog razmišljanja. U duhu tog poraza i osjećaja krivice došlo je do razvoja mračnijih filmova, čije su izobličene pozadine, sumorni ton, igre sa sjenama i mračna atmosfera dovele do razvoja horora, kao novog žanra u svijetu filmova, koji će postati još popularniji u američkim filmovima poslije drugog svjetskog rata. Krenuvši od prvog pravog plot-twista u remek djelu Roberta Wienea Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, pa preko prvog pravog vampirskog filma Nosferatu, sve do filmova filmskog genija Fritza Langa i njegovih djela Metropolis i M, njemački film međuratnog razdoblja nikoga nije ostavio ravnodušnim, te se s pravomnjemački film između dva svjetska rata se smatra važnim dijelom europske i svjetske prošlosti. Rani ekspresionistički film Von morgens bis mitternachts će služiti kao usporedba svim navedenim filmovima i predstavljati će referentnu točku za analizu istih.
deutscher Film
Keywords (english)
German film
Keywords (croatian)
njemački film
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:648004
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
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Created on 2017-08-28 11:58:34